Lepenquë: Callo

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TW: Chapter is very heavy. A lot of mature, and sickening topics. Read at your own risk.


Ciara stood on the balcony of the pack house. Letting the sunlight heat her skin, she never felt something so blissful. Xander's pack was far enough away from Anhave's borders not to be affected by its darkness. Ciara smiled as children's laughter filled the air and the smell of flowers clouded her nose. For the first time, Ciara was happy within her mate's pack. The pair were starting over, getting to know each other for who they were.

"How is my favorite herbalist today?" Alexander smiled, standing next to Ciara. The pair had grown closer over the past few days. It seemed Ciara was finally starting to win over the Alpha, and she couldn't be more excited. After hearing the stories of how Ciara helped the people of Anhave, Alexander started questioning everything. Perhaps the princess wasn't as bad as he first assumed.

"I'm good. How's my favorite Alpha?" She smiled, turning towards Alexander, who was leaning against the railing. His arms crossed, showing off his muscles, Ciara had to force her jaw not to drop.

"I'm good, but I'd be even better if you agreed to come on a walk with me. There is something I want to show you." The smile on Alexander's face made Ciara swoon. The princess was unable to pull her eyes away from her handsome mate.

"I'd love to, Alexander." Ciara smiled as Alexander grabbed her hand. The princess stared at their interlocked fingers in amazement. Hope swelled in the young girl's heart. This was the first time Alexander initiated contact. The pair walked hand in hand through the forest in peaceful silence. Both find comfort in the woods, the leaves crunchy under their feet and the sun warming their skin. Ciara always dreamt of feeling the warmth. She never imagined it to feel so amazing.

"Here we are." Alexander whispered in her ear, showing her a small spring. There was nothing special about the land, but Ciara felt it held memories from her mate's past.

"My mother and father would bring me and my siblings here more times than I could count. They'd pack a carriage full of stuff and bring us here for a little family getaway."

"It's so peaceful." Ciara smiled, slipping off her shoes to dip her toes in the cool water. She giggled as she watched little minnows swim around her feet in curiosity. Alexander stood on the bank watching his mate with torn eyes. She seemed so innocent and naive. He didn't know if he believed it or if she was putting on a performance. He'd never drop his guard, never trust anyone with the last name Mathias, and he wasn't ready to start now.

"That's why my mother loved it. She was an amazing queen and an even better person. Like all of us, sometimes the castle and the weight of a kingdom on her shoulder would be overwhelming. My father always knew when she needed a break, and every time this is where we'd come." Alexander started to speak, his eyes clouding over as the happy memories played in his mind like a movie. The giggles of his toddler siblings running around on wobbly legs. His mother always had a soft smile on her face. Ciara slowly walked toward her mate sitting beside him on the bank, not caring about getting her clothes dirty.

"My brother and I would play in the springs with my father. He'd teach us how to catch a fish with our hands and to clean it properly. My mother and sister would sit on the bank, tying flowers together to make a crown. We were just a family without any titles when we were here." Alexander reminisced, pointing out where they would camp and cook the fish. The smile slowly faded from his face, a deep longing to see his family again taking over his body.

"This is the first time I've returned here since they passed away."

"Tell me more about them."  Ciara smiled, scooting closer to her mate, never wanting this moment to end. Alexander's warmth wrapped around Ciara, calming the princess's heart. Allowing her to relax and truly soak in the beautiful scenery around her. When Alexander didn't speak, Ciara made a grave mistake, allowing her relaxed state to cloud her mind. Forgetting that the man beside her hated her family and was looking for anything to hold against the princess.

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