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"Why on earth you have sought to bring me with you, I simply don't know." Was one such complaint which Felix gave as he trotted behind the sisters. Naturally when first approached and won round to the idea of exploring this city, he had jumped on the idea. Only he did not think that exploring would involve shopping. And that honestly, was dreadful. Luckily enough; he wasn't alone, Fleurette had groaned and complained too. He was quite happy to see that she still had a dislike for shopping. Or should that be said she still had a dislike to dress shopping?

Regardless the two sat outside of a fitting room in silence. It seemed both were at a loss. Fleurette was still in a stupor of self-awareness, and partial self-loathing. Felix, though privy to her problems, didn't actually know what to speak to Fleurette about. "Are you enjoying your stay so far?" Felix looked slowly to Fleurette. She was looking at him with an intrigued expression. "I remember when I first came here. All I wanted to do was to wander. It's not wise, mind...but that didn't deter me, as such. There is so much to see and take in. I hope you get to see all that you wish to before leaving."

Felix turned in his seat, one arm on the arm rest and the other draped over his knee. Leaning against his hand, he fixed her with a stern, yet playful look. "Listen here, just so you know we are not leaving anytime soon. So, there'll be plenty of time for us to do all that we wish to. But then...I can tell you don't really care for sightseeing, what is it? Come on, you can tell me...I promise I shan't tell Eleanor."

Fleurette scrunched her nose up in thought. "I became used to fending for myself, in a way. Being on my own two feet with minimal help. Just...I know I need help right now, I need my family. But...it's just..."

"You think Eleanor will become overbearing?" Felix asked with a sigh and a knowing smile. "You're her sister, she's allowed to be overbearing. But if she gets to the point where she's going overboard, just kindly tell her so. She has been worried for you, terribly so."

Fleurette nodded and twiddled her thumbs. "Are you two good?"

"Whatever can you mean?" Felix laughed feigning ignorance. He wasn't an idiot. He knew full well that life at home, and with Eleanor wasn't going quite to plan. Or ideally as idyllic as the two thought married life would be.

"I worry for you both." Fleurette lifted her head up and looked to him. "Sometimes...sometimes space is good, it puts things into perspective, yet it also creates a wedge. When people love each other as fiercely as you two do, and then something distances you...it can cause such heartache." She paused to see Felix assessing her and her words with a solemn look. "I don't want to see you two parting ways, or living in a loveless marriage, or even end up hating each other."

Felix shook his head slowly. "We are here for you, you know?"

She smirked and stood slowly from her seat. "And I am here for you two, too...just so you know."

"Yes, well, shame really that an ocean parts us."

Fleurette looked at him curiously. "Would you ever move over here?"

Felix looked thoughtful. His attention left Fleurette just as Eleanor reappeared, back in her original clothes and with a dress hung over her arm delicately. He smiled instantly, which resulted with Eleanor doing the same. Fleurette rolled her eyes and walked down an aisle of dresses with a sigh. She loved both of them hugely, but sometimes being out with them, surrounded by their clear affections for each other was too much.

Having an arm around her shoulders, she looked to Felix and his smiling expression. "Ever thought of heeding your own advice, Fleurette?" With a pat on the shoulder he moved aside so Eleanor could link her arm with her sister's. She was oblivious to what they were talking about, and really she didn't wish to know. Mainly because of how thoughtful Fleurette suddenly looked.

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