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Having her hair styled for her was always something which alluded Fleurette. She could never get used to the way one person would do it gently, or another would tug and pull. Sure, she could openly admit her hair was not the easiest to deal with. More often than not it had horrible ways of tangling on itself and creating thick curls which would not be untangled for anything. When she was little, her hair was perhaps the bane of her mother's morning. Trying to get a brush through the bed ruffled curls always caused the usually patient parent to huff and sigh. Whereas Eleanor's hair was easy to deal with, Fleurette's had to be difficult.

It was something which caused her to smile, oddly enough. "Am I difficult?" She voiced.

Fleck who was tying satin ribbons into small plaits in her hair paused. She shifted her weight as she stood on the stool behind Fleurette's chair. "What gave you that idea?" She couldn't help but sound confused over the somewhat spontaneous question and its odd topic.

"Well it's just, I watch you struggling to get the ribbons to stay and plait into my hair, and I can't help but think: am I difficult?"

"You personally are not. Your hair, yes." Fleck huffed and caused Fleurette to laugh gently. It was an hour or so before show time, so naturally everyone was in a rush. Fleck had been ready for a while and she opted to help Fleurette get ready.

First thing first was her hair, which Fleck soon begrudged. She loved the burnt colour of it, and the way it naturally curled, but it was a challenge that's for sure. Regardless she managed to brush it and create numerous little plaits with ribbons in them which then fed into one main plait which trailed down her back. Fleck couldn't help but admire her handiwork. With every little weave of hair or so there was a satin ribbon which shimmered slightly in the light.

Fleurette for her part was already in her dress for the evening, or ruffle skirted tutu, Fleck wasn't sure what she could class it as. But no sooner would she perform with Meg she'd need to rush back and change into her other dress which hung nearby on a hanger. The bright greens and blues may have clashed slightly with the perfect white ribbons in her hair, but Fleck doubted very much people would pay mind to this. Patting Fleurette's shoulders she smiled, "You're done."

"Thank you for helping me, Fleck. I have to admit that even I can't deal with my hair. Half the time I just leave it like it is." She admitted somewhat ashamed.

Fleck looked at her with pretend shock. "No wonder it's so tangled then!"

Fleurette turned in the chair and looked at her friend. "Sorry...but you did offer to help."

Fleck put her smaller hands on Fleurette's slightly blushed cheeks and smiled. "And I'd do it again, but for now I think you need to make a mad dash to the wings. We'll be starting soon." Fleck patted her cheeks and jumped down and ran off. She was after all first on along with Gangle and Squelch, it was always their task to introduce the show, it wouldn't look too good if she was late.

With a sigh, Fleurette looked into the mirror in front of her. Brushing a stray lock of hair over her, ear she stood slowly. Wringing her hands, she gave a nod and turned, picking her small heeled shoes up off of the floor, she exited the small changing room. "Fleur!" Meg cheered when she caught sight of her friend walking to the wings. Fleurette waved and darted forwards to walk by her side. "Ready?"

"Yes! May I admit though that it feels rather strange." Fleurette said while managing to hop from foot to foot and slip her shoes on. Along with Meg her shoes now made quiet clipping noises on the wooden flooring. "We have performed in a show over here before, but we've not performed in the same piece together for a while. It's a strange feeling."

Meg nodded understanding what she meant. They reached the wings and watched as Fleck, Gangle and Squelch all did their part and received equal laughs and claps from the crowd gathered. Turning to look at Fleurette she smiled. "It's a strange feeling, but nice. It is good to have you by my side again, Fleur; it really has been too long." Meg pouted and then laughed when Fleurette merely playfully nudged her on the arm.

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