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"You're flat."

"Excuse me for sounding flat, I am not sure if you've noticed but it's like...seven in the morning. I should technically be asleep."

"Keep talking it'll warm your vocal chords up." Meg smiled and rocked on her heels. She was clearly enjoying every second of this, how she was so awake, Fleurette didn't know because she wasn't. Fleurette sat on a chair wrapped up in a blanket. Only her face was really visible, narrowing her eyes, Fleurette sat in silence, doing the opposite to what Meg said. "Hey!" Meg exclaimed and clapped her hands together. Fleurette gave a jolt and opened her eyes again, they narrowed at the blonde, again, and then rolled slowly in the direction of the window.

"The weathers nice, I'm hungry, can't I have breakfast before all of this?"


"You're being mean, Meg."

Meg didn't answer but turned away singing happily to herself. Fleurette coughed and rubbed her eyes. She wasn't exactly in a happy mood, she'd got woken up to Meg shouting and exclaiming about rehearsing. When she had eventually woken up, Erik wasn't around, all in all the morning so far was unpleasant.

"Come on stand up, we'll try again." Meg pulled Fleurette out of the chair, the blanket dropped from her shoulders. The two stood side by side and took to going through the dancing quickly, Meg was happy to see that Fleurette had remembered the routine even when she was more asleep than awake.

Next they did the dancing with the song, "One of you is flat."

"It's her," Meg pointed at Fleurette.

"I'm flat because I don't give a-"

"Fleurette, calm down." Erik leaned against the doorframe and watched as Fleurette let out a slow breath, hanging her head, she slowly looked up.

"Please, can't I go back to sleep? Half exhausted performers are no use, right?" She asked neither of them in particular. Erik looked at Meg blankly, she in turn smiled. "Right? Oh, come on don't stand there and ignore me!" Fleurette whined and took to pouting at the floor. "I hate you both right now." With this said she huddled back into the blanket and sat in the chair.

Having silence enter the room, Erik looked away from Meg and pointed at Fleurette. "Your performer has gone to sleep."

Meg jumped and walked over to the chair, she shook Fleurette by her shoulder. Fleurette groaned and waved Meg away. "Please, let me sleep." Meg pouted and tried again. "Shoo," Fleurette pulled the blanket over her face and hid away from the room.

Stomping a foot on the floor, Meg turned and walked off, she quickly passed Erik. He watched her and shook his head when she returned and walked back into the room. Meg hit the floor hard with a piece of broken banister. Fleurette jolted and shot up from the chair, the blanket was hanging from her shoulders and there was a bewildered look on her face. Meg stood smiling triumphantly with her banister. "Up and at 'em, Fleur!"

"You're mean."

"You went to sleep."

"You woke me up so therefore I think you owe it to me to let me sleep."

"Ah," Meg sighed and nodded. "True but we have rehearsing to do."

"Rehearsing for something which isn't immediately important."

"And you sleeping is?"

"I don't want to be comatose from exhaustion." Fleurette frowned. "What's the rush anyway?"

"The sooner we do this and get enough money we can buy somewhere to live!" Meg exclaimed and looked from her to Erik. "Do you not want that?"

"You're pinning a lot of hope onto this plan of yours." Erik stated, "How much money do you think the two of you will make in one day?"

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