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But of course, Erik should have known. He had known her long enough to pick up on certain traits of hers. And one such trait was practising longer than she needed to. It was of no great surprise to find her on the stage. Five hours and a half if he was being specific, she had been gone nearly all day, it was late afternoon now, almost heading into early evening. He had grown slightly concerned that she hadn't returned earlier.

But of course, he should have known. He almost slapped a hand to his forehead over the sheer obviousness that he was missing. Fleurette loved to dance. So, of course when given a routine she'd practise it nonstop until it was firmly imprinted in her mind. Until she knew it off by heart, so much so that she could do it with her eyes shut.

It was this state that he found her in actually, eyes shut and standing centre stage. No one else was present. It was just her and she seemed to be recollecting herself. Or at least that's what he presumed. That or she had learnt how to go to sleep standing up. That'd be truly bizarre, but if anyone could somehow do that, it'd be her. He wouldn't put it past her, she was full of surprises really. Just when he thought he had her figured out, she went and contradicted his thoughts. But when he dwelt over it, that was Fleurette in general. The constant contradiction in his life. And one that he would not wish to go anywhere.

"Ah!" She naturally shouted and jumped when she was gently held onto. She looked to the arms around her waist and then over her shoulder. "Erik! That's cruel! Why would you sneak up on me like that? Could you not see I was thinking?"

"Thinking? Are you sure you weren't going to sleep standing up?" It wouldn't hurt to ask.

"No." And there was his simple answer.

He merely nodded and leaned his chin against her shoulder. Blinking slowly, he sighed and looked to the empty seats before them. They were shadowed in the darkness of the theatre. There was only minimal lighting. The halls were dimly lit, so were some of the passageways. For the most part everyone knew their way around so they could just walk with a small lamp. Or in the dark, whichever they preferred really.

Fleurette smiled and placed one hand over one of his while reaching up with her other and placing it against his cheek. "My dear, are you bored by any chance?" She couldn't help to ask considering his expression conveyed boredom.

"No," he smirked, and there was her answer. Fleurette let out a quiet laugh and shook her head. She evidently didn't believe him. Not that he seemed to particularly care, or mind. "I thought I would come look for you. You've been gone quite some time."

"Was I missed?" She whispered with a sidelong look and a smirk.

Erik's eyes narrowed, "I was merely thinking I'll come look for you because someone has to make sure you eat." He lied. He lied brilliantly in fact because Fleurette suddenly looked rather saddened. With a sigh, he buried his face in her curls. "You were." He whispered in her ear. She instinctively shuddered from this, which caused him to smirk, it wasn't his intention to cause her to react that way, but it was slightly enjoyable when it did happen.

"Why, Erik, are you suggesting taking me out to dinner?" Fleurette turned in his arms and looked up at him while wrapping her arms around his neck.

He laughed and looked around. "Really? I hate to be pessimistic here but with what money shall I buy you this dinner with?" It was true, he didn't exactly have any money. The small income Fleurette got was not going to get spent by him for food.

"Hm," she hummed while absentmindedly playing with the ends of his hair. "Cupboard raiding it is then."

"Sounds like a plan." Erik agreed.

Fleurette smiled and gave a nod while simply patting him gently on the shoulders and wriggling out of his arms. She commenced walking towards the kitchen. The two barely passed anyone, those who they did pass were busy with some other task. In truth Erik didn't pay too much mind to them. He just followed after Fleurette as she walked into the kitchen.

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