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The last week trickled by rather quickly, as soon as Tuesday came Fleurette found herself wrapped up in a tight embrace. "I wish you had told me that you were leaving!" Meg exclaimed and held her at arm's length. "I found out from mother," she winced and frowned at Fleurette.

"How could I bring this subject up easily?" Fleurette lowered her arms, when she got tightly gripped onto she had wrapped her arms loosely around Meg's waist. "It's the same with Erik, I wouldn't, and didn't, know how to explain this."

Meg rolled her eyes, "I'm sure I'd understand a lot easier than him."

Fleurette frowned, not agreeing with her words. Sure, when it came to the concept of family and loss, Meg would surely understand such things more than Erik, for he didn't exactly have a family. Or if he ever did, from what Fleurette had understood of his past, they had abandoned him long ago. Even still, it did not mean that he was in the dark about loss, and the need to sometimes travel to the centre of the loss to say goodbye.

"All you had to do was come up to me and say; 'Meg, I'm going back to Paris to attend a funeral of a family friend. I will be back as soon as I can, and I'll bring you back a little something if I can, and I'll miss you very much.'" Meg said and ended in a grin.

Fleurette laughed and put her hands on Meg's shoulders. "Meg, I'm afraid to tell you that I'm returning home. A good friend of mine for many years has passed away, and I need to attend her funeral. I feel like I also need to see my sister too. But I will return soon, I will also bring you back a gift if I can, I'll miss you very much." Fleurette said while smiling slowly, Meg's smile grew more but she nodded sadly.

"I understand." She said while finally lowering her arms and linking her arm with one of Fleurette's. The two looked at each other before laughing lightly. "Today is your last day. We must do something, a farewell party perhaps?"

Fleurette frowned as they walked down the corridor, Fleurette had ventured to the kitchen, the food down below was running rather low so she thought she'd go and get some more. In some ways she wanted to have the peace of mind in knowing that there was some food down there for Erik. She doubted he'd eat regularly, he never really seemed to.

Turning a corner, they continued on their way. Ducking down and seeing Fleurette's troubled expression, Meg sighed. "Fine, no party, perhaps we should just go out?" This got her attention, she looked at her. "The whole island is a show, remember? Why don't we all go out and see what everyone else is doing?" Meg suggested in a pleased tone, it seemed that Fleurette was warming up to this idea more so than the idea of a party.

"I'd like that."

"So, is that a yes?" Meg beamed, she was getting her hopes up here.

"It's a yes."

"Good! I'll go tell everyone!" Meg exclaimed and quickly hugged her before turning and running off. "When I come back, we'll get to finding something good to wear from wardrobe!" She exclaimed over her shoulder, Fleurette tilted her head to the side and watched as her friend disappeared.

Turning on her heels, she returned back to the kitchen. Picking up the small basket, she walked back out of the room and down the corridor. Silently walking and swinging the basket from one had to the other she turned the corner and ventured down. "Where are you off to?" She smiled when her path had intercepted with Erik's. He looked her over and noticed the basket in her hand, turning to the side, he gestured back to the path he just took.

"I've been thinking," Erik said while falling into step beside her, Fleurette looked up at him and nodded for him to continue. "If there is a way to get the piano from up there, down here; I want to find out."

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