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Harbours, Eleanor had decided, were a rather dangerous and dodgy place to be in. On more than one account had she almost been knocked out by rogue ropes, which were thrown overboard ships of numerous sides to be tied to the dock. Then there was the bustling people, some of which were in such a hurry that she almost got shoved to the ground. There was nowhere safe to stand! And for this simple fact, Eleanor now stood cross armed with a sour look on her face. Her arms were firmly crossed over a rose coloured coat.

From a safe distance she stood and watched as boats appeared, people boarded, or came rushing out, then boats left again. It was repetitive, Felix and how rightly he pointed out that she may not know what time Fleurette's boat would get in. He was right of course, yet Eleanor being Eleanor had stubbornly ignored him and set out of the house anyway. Noticing a small boat, which had just docked, she perked up. Every new boat which appeared she'd pay particular interest in. She was looking out for a familiar redhead, yet each time Eleanor was left disheartened when said redhead never appeared.

Giving a sigh, she walked forwards, people didn't pay any mind to her as she passed. Eleanor seemed to just flit between the milling crowds as if she were a ghost. Looking over her shoulder at the calls of men who seemed to be preparing to leave, she sighed and turned back around only to jump. Fleurette grinned, "Good morning, sister, what fine weather Paris seems to be having today. How are you?"

Eleanor actually couldn't contain the happiness, yet the shock of her sister just appearing caused her to glare at her before wrapping her arms tightly around her. "Little flower, I have missed you so! I almost forgot what your voice sounded like."

"I hope you are joking." Fleurette said while putting an arm around her sister, her other hand still clutched onto her case tightly. "For I have not forgotten your voice. Not in this past year."

"But it's not been a full year yet, has it?" Eleanor put her at arm's length and grinned. "When did you arrive?"

"About five minutes ago. I distinctly remember that coming this way is easier. There's less hustle and bustle, it's the route we took when we were leaving, that's how I know." Fleurette explained while linking her arm with Eleanor's. "Tell me, how is everyone?" She looked at her older sister hopefully. "You never really mentioned anyone to great lengths. Is Felix well? How is Geoffrey, how is he holding up?"

Eleanor sighed and hung her head, Fleurette looked at her curiously. Eleanor had almost forgotten how curious and questionable her sister could be. She had missed it terribly. Though granted the constant asking of questions could become very tiring and very irritating. Yet, that's what made up Fleurette's character. She wouldn't be her if she wasn't so curiously minded. "Felix is well, he has properly moved in now." At this Fleurette smirked up at her sister, Eleanor just pouted and ignored the look. "Work keeps him busy," she said stiffly.

"Oh, that doesn't sound good, pray tell what does the property business hold for our dear Felix?" Fleurette asked in a joking tone, only when she saw her sister wasn't glaring at her, or telling her to be quiet, she grew concerned. "What is it?"

"It keeps him busy," Eleanor repeated sternly and looked to Fleurette, she tilted her head to the side. "To the point where he travels to places I've never heard of, or been to, and I don't see him for days." 

Fleurette's expression went slack. "Does he need a talking to?" 

This caused Eleanor to burst out laughing as they exited the harbour completely and started walking down the street. "So sharply spoken you have become." Quieten her laughter down she coughed quietly behind her hand and looked to the ground. Her eyes skimmed over the cobbles of the road and of the litter which was stuck to the pavement due to it previously raining. "No, it's fine, little flower, honestly, you are not here to lecture Felix about the lack of time he is spending with his wife-"

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