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There were many ways to describe Eleanor. Laid back, caring, charming and polite were some options. And then there was frantic, irritated, angered and a force to be reckoned with; a hurricane had more grace and composure right now. A torrent wind with hail and rain, thunder and lightening and darkness. That was Eleanor's disposition.

She made no secret of being peeved. She did not hide the fact that she was here for one reason, and that soul reason was her sister. She certainly did not care for those who were introducing themselves to her. Nor did she particularly care to the fact that she had interrupted rehearsals by barging on into the theatre.

Madame Giry welcomed her with a warm smile and condescending comments. Whether she realised them to be such, Eleanor did not know. She didn't care. The woman could take her comments and give them to someone else. Someone who actually really cared to listen. "Where is she?" Eleanor had spent the last week on a ship with windy choppy weather. If she wasn't already in a bad mood, she really was in one now.

"Oh, Fleurette usually does not make her presence known until noon." Giry replied while folding her hands in front of herself.

"That doesn't sound like my sister." Eleanor said with a cynical smile as she looked the woman firmly in the eyes.

Giry inhaled and exhaled and smiled, "People do change-"

"Not her." Eleanor said through gritted teeth. "Having early morning routines drummed into her head since the age of five is something even my sister couldn't rid herself of. Trust me, I know her, if she's not up...and does not come out until later, it's because she is hiding. There is something wrong, and so help me God...if you're involved, you will regret it."

"What will you do?" Giry asked while watching as Meg came running along the aisles. Her eyes flicked back to Eleanor.

"I put my trust in you to look out for one of the most precious things in my life."

"In fairness, I do believe you put your full trust in-"

"I trusted you both! If you did not prevent my sister's sudden turn in dispositions, you will regret it, dearly."

"And I asked: what will you do?" Giry smirked, what could Eleanor honestly do?

With a seething expression she turned and looked to Meg. Meg tried to look as indifferent as possible, but it didn't exactly pull off. "Where is she, Meg? Just...take me to her, please. I care not for all this pointlessness."

"Are you taking her away?" Meg whispered while putting a gentle hand on Eleanor's arm and directing her towards a corridor.

Eleanor frowned, "I would, if she allowed me." Her mouth pressed into a thin line as she looked to the blonde by her side. "It is good to see you are well, Meg. I am sorry we couldn't meet on better terms."

"Nonsense! This is important!" Meg exclaimed with a frown. "I've tried my best, Eleanor. Fleck as well...have you met her? No? Oh, well, she's dear to Fleur, and we've tried...but, I think she just needs you."

"What about..."

"Hiding," Meg wasted no time in replying. "That's men though, right? When things get tough they runaway with their tails between their legs."

Eleanor shook her head slowly. "Answer me honestly, Meg." She looked to her once time friend. "Is he to blame?"


"Partially. Well either he is or is not, there's no middle ground. Don't try and soften the blow, or protect him, or even hide the truth. Is he why my sister is like she is, or isn't he?"

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