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It seemed, though being completely jokey, the weather was calm, and peaceful. Both Erik and Fleurette peeked out of a back door which had been overgrown with creeping plants which wound and twisted up the side of the grand building they called home. Erik stepped out and looked to the ground when his shoes cracked and crunched against twigs and dried leaves. Turning around, he held his hands out to Fleurette. She looked up at the starry sky and smiled faintly. Reaching out, she placed her hands in his, only to let out a surprised noise when he instead travelled his hands up her arms and held under her arms to pick her up and over the twigs and dried leaves.

Being back on solid ground she looked up at him, placing her hands on his arms she smiled. "Thank you, Erik." He merely gave a nod and looked around them. Naturally the back of the theatre was silent. Well not entirely, there was a ruckus from above them. Somewhere on a higher level of the theatre there were sounds of celebrating. Singing loudly and rather drunkenly, it caused them to exchange a look and move away.

Walking down the rough pathway, they made their way down and away from the theatre. They stopped as soon as the rocky shore appeared. The sea beyond them crashed up and sprayed water into the air. Fleurette smiled and turned and carefully made her way forwards only to get pulled back. "No, you don't." Erik said dangerously serious. Fleurette shuddered from the tone he used. When said like that she couldn't contradict him. "Listen to me," he turned her by her shoulders and made her look up at him. "I do not mind you exploring the theatre, nor the island. But I do not want you going close to the shore. Do you understand? It is dangerous, Fleurette. I am being serious. Do not nod yes, because I can see it in your eyes that you mean the opposite." Erik said seriously while his grip on her shoulders tightened slightly.

"Erik, too tight." Fleurette reached up and slightly painfully tapped his hands. "But I understand. And I will listen to you. I promise I will not go near the shore. Not at night, nor in the day."

"Good," Erik removed his hands and then looked at her apologetically. "Sorry."

"Oh! You have nothing to apologise for, Erik! You're merely showing concern." Fleurette smiled and rocked on her heels and tried to ignore the slightly painful wincing feeling which was still ebbing through her shoulders. Turning at the sound of a window being thrown open, they both frowned when someone rather ungracefully emptied their stomach content down the side of the building. Someone clearly couldn't hold their drink. "...Do they get like this each and every time?" Fleurette asked while side stepping and stopping when she was back in front of him.

Erik smirked, "They do." He flicked his eyes down to her. "Why, have you never noticed?"

"I...I don't pay much attention...just, if they're like this, are they ever sober?"

"I want to say yes, but I fear that it is unlikely." Erik commented finding the constant state of drunkenness amusing. What a prime bunch of people that worked here, really, truly, none better. It was something which caused him to smirk, only the frown on Fleurette's face reappeared and she shifted from foot to foot. "What is it?"

"Just...nothing, it's fine," Fleurette shook her head and smiled up at him.

"Liar." Erik commented blankly.

"Just, it reminds me of my father. He would get like that, and then sober up and go to work and then come home and drink again. It's just, it's not much of a way to live a life, is it? I can't say I've ever noticed the states they get in, because I never really stick around, do I? I always leave with you." Fleurette said evenly while narrowing her eyes. "Oh well," she shrugged. "As long as they're happy." She commented off-handedly with a shrug. "Would you like to accompany me on a walk, Monsieur?" Fleurette changed the subject while gesturing to the darkened rough green tufted grass behind her.

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