In the Hold

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The ladder to the hold creaked. Hiccup came down, followed by Snotlout. They walked over to the bunks where Bjorg and I lay.

Hiccup came up beside Fishlegs who was watching Bjorg. "He still won't eat." I heard Fishlegs whisper.

"He has to, though." Hiccup whispered back. "Otherwise he'll..."

Snotlout came to the side of my bunk and took my hand. I pulled it away and looked at the wall.

"She's not in the mood, Snotlout." Astrid scolded. She had bandaged my wounds herself and stayed by my side.

Hiccup walked over. "Are you ok?" he asked me.

"How's Dipper?" I said, turning to meet his eyes. Forest green and filled with anxiety.

"Worried about you. We all are."

"My hand hurts." I admitted.

"I told her she should pray to the gods," Astrid said. "And ask them to heal it in a cool pattern so that her scar is unique."

Hiccup gave Astrid a look.

"She took it well." Astrid smiled and shrugged.

"It's ok, Hiccup. I'm fine." I told him. "I'm alive, aren't I?"

"Thank Thor for that." Hiccup ran a hand through his hair.

"How's Toothless?" I asked, seeing Snotlout leave out of the corner of my eye.

"He's fine. Egil was bluffing."

"Thank Thor." I smiled.

"For a lot of things." Hiccup smiled back.

I felt as if I could gaze into his eyes forever. They were like emeralds, with few diamonds twinkling in the bunch.


"Hey, you guys never saw the treasure." I told him.

"It's not important." Hiccup shook his head. "Who knows how long it will take? We can't risk taking that time with you and Bjorg wounded."

"But I found it already."

"What?" Astrid asked, a hand falling off her hips.

Bjorg sat up in the other bunk. "What did ye say?"

"I said I saw the treasure." I looked at each person in the room. "Serendipity let me in with the Fire Key and led me to it. There were dozens of dragons chained up and guarding it. It was amazing! I was swimming in gold!"

"Really?" Fishlegs approached with his mouth open.

"Well, not swimming exactly. You can't swim in solids. But if it had been water, it would have been deep enough for sure."

Hiccup stared at me in wonder.

"Are we going to go back for it?" Fishlegs asked.

"I don't... I don't know." Hiccup stammered.

"Why not?" Astrid asked, taking hold of one of his shoulders. "You weren't able to last time you went on a treasure hunt. This is your chance."

"But do we really need so much riches?" Hiccup asked her.

"Do we really need anything to survive besides food, water, and shelter?" Astrid asked.

Cloud's Journey: Homeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें