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I covered my mouth too late. Egil's focus snapped in my direction.

Snotlout looked at me with fear in my eyes. "You need to run."


"Fly away now!"

I shrieked as a knife shot past my ear and into a tree behind me. Dipper turned red, her mouth filling with gas. I let her fire.

Egil jumped out of the way just in time. "I'll get you for that!" He screamed.

"Up, Dipper, up!" I shouted, urging my dragon skyward.

My heart pounded in my chest as I stopped Dipper above the tree tops. What should I do? I had come to get revenge, this was my chance.

But it could also be Egil's chance.

Serendipity was still red and growling at the action below. Astrid had circled around behind Egil, and Snotlout ordered Hookfang to fire at the ground right at the villain's feet. Egil shouted threats at them.

I crossed my arms and wracked my brain for an idea.


I had one.

"Come on Dipper." I leaned over her neck and she dove below the trees. Hookfang's fire flashed in front of us, lighting the grass just as we landed.

I dismounted.

"Cloud what are you doing!?" Astrid demanded.

"Egil wants me." I said, keeping my eyes on him.

"I want all of ye now." Egil snarled.

"But you want me first." I pointed out. "And you killed my dragon, so I have a fight to pick with you."

"Oh poor you. That was your lil' dragon, was it?" Egil growled.

I tightened my jaw and pulled out the dagger I had felt when I'd crossed my arms.

"Where'd ye get tha'?" Egil's eyes widened slightly.

"You could find out if you discovered the Fire Key." I told him. "But that will never happen." I threw the dagger at him.

Egil caught it and smirked.

I gulped. "See ya!" I ran.

"Cloud!" Snotlout and Astrid exclaimed.

Footsteps were loud behind me. There was a squawk. I looked up to see Serendipity flying above me.

"Leave me alone, Dipper! This is part of the plan!" I tried to smile.

Dipper cooed, turning blue-green, and flew off.

The footsteps were quieter now. I slowed my pace so Egil could catch up. I caught a glimpse of him over my eye. Checking my breathing, I ran on.

A knife wizzed past my ear, and I gasped. How many knives did one guy have on him? I bit my lip and forced my legs to move slower.

"You'll never escape. You've made a huge mistake to challenge me." Egil chuckled.

I ran a bit faster. Thank Thor for my talent. "You can't run forever!" I shouted over my shoulder, pretending to be out of breath as I spoke.

"Neither can you." Egil smirked.

That's what you think. I teased in my mind.

Still, a worm of worry threaded through my insides. Was I going the right way?

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