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The air in the Great Hall was thick and muggy. I found beads of sweat on my neck from where I stood between Astrid and Snotlout. Fishlegs and the twins were behind us. On stage, Stoick and Hiccup stood with the two Skellington brothers.

Bjorg was the elder one, and Egil was the younger. Under the eyes of so many Vikings, I thought Egil would pass out. Sweat glistened on every centimeter of his skin. Bjorg looked unconcerned, smiling as he answered questions.

"Thunderdrums attacked our boat." Bjorg was saying, his younger brother eyeing him as he shook. "We floa'ed for Thor knows how long before one a you kind Hooligan's rescued us."

"Snotlout, you can confirm this?" Stoick asked, looking at him.

"Yes Chief."

One thing I'd learned about Snotlout in two weeks, was that no matter how rude he got he rarely messed around with Stoick.

"How can we contact someone to come find you?" Stoick asked them.

Egil was shaking too hard to reply so Bjorg answered saying, "We're on our own." At that, Egil relaxed some.

"We can have a ship ready for you in no time." Hiccup told them, straight faced, standing with arms crossed.

"No, no." Bjorg shook his head. "We couldn' ask fer such a favor. We'll do ih ourselves."

"Jus' supply wood." Egil put in timidly.

"Very well." Stoick nodded. Like his son, his face showed no emotion. "Until you're ready to leave you can stay in our guest hut."

"Thank ye so much." Bjorg smiled. He looked down at his little brother who quickly put on a smile too.

Bjorg sure takes care of everything. I thought, seeing how Egil obeyed him. Even feared him.

The meeting soon ended, though almost no one made a move to leave. Murmurs broke out. Hiccup walked away with Astrid and saying something about someone named Alvin. Astrid gave him a sympathetic smile, hand on his shoulder.

I wished I could have been in Astrid's place. With longing, I watched them leave. They looked so at ease... so perfect together. I shook my head and turned around.

"How's your hand?" Snotlout asked me.

"Oh, it's good." I looked down at my hand, wich I rotated from side to side. "I'd forgotten about it."

"Great." Snotlout smiled. I moved away before he could say more.

"I'm going home. See ya' tomorrow." I said.

As I walked through town under the darkening sky, the stars out, I saw Stoick escort the two visitors to their guest home. They were talking and making hand gestures. I wondered which building they would go to. I hadn't known about any guest hut.

On my porch, the night was darker and quieter. I opened my door and stepped in. My house was even darker since no fire was going in the fire pit like there should have been. I didn't feel like working up any flames, so I lit a simple lamp. One day my dragon would do it for me.

Upstairs as I got ready for bed, I swelled with determination. I would train my own dragon tomorrow. This time, I wouldn't fail.

Standing on my bed, I opened the secret window in the ceiling before lying down and blowing out the candle. Above, the sky was dark blue and lit with millions of stars. I gazed in wonder at the constellations I had memorized from back home: Eagle, Hellewagen, Ratatosk, Durathror and others. My heart reached out to be among those stars.

A pitch black silhouette flashed high beneath the stars. A Night Fury silhouette. I closed my eyes.

Thor, send me a dragon.

In the open window above me, Bluewing blocked off a section of the stars. He blinked, then chirped.

"What is it?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

Bluewing's eyes narrowed. He let out a dangerous growl, the kind dragons made when they only thought one word: Kill. He leapt at me and snapped at my throat!

"Bluewing!" I screamed, thrashing back and forth. He didn't let go. Blood washed down my neck. I choked. "No!"

My hand hit the small body at my throat. Bluewing disappeared. I sat up gasping for breath.

I was awake. Still panting, I looked around. Blueing wasn't anywhere. The blood I had felt was actually sweat. Above me was the open window revealing the stars.

I hid my face in my hands. My body shook, trying to cry, but resisting.

Where had the nightmare come from? I hadn't had many in recent years. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. Sighing, I grabbed my dagger and left the house for a walk.

Like all nights on Berk, the air was cold. My heart rate slowed down, the stars reassuring me. I relaxed.

Then I stopped in my tracks. Outlined against the ocean beyond, two figures were talking in the night.

Pulse racing again, I tip-toed closer using the shadows. There was a tall figure, quite thin, and a shorter figure. I got closer until I could see who it was and almost collapsed with relief.

The taller person was Hiccup. He was talking to Egil. I waited against a small tree and watched them, unable to hear their words. After awhile, Egil nodded and left.

I walked up to Hiccup. Toothless was curled up nearby, looking like a rock in the darkness. Hiccup turned at my footsteps and smiled.

"What are you doing up?" He greeted quietly.

"Couldn't sleep." I smiled back. The stars seemed brighter.

"That's what Egil said." Hiccup nodded.

"What else did he say?"

"Eh. Mostly just listened." Hiccup chuckled. Toothless bumped his hand. "Hey Bud."

I rubbed Toothless' smooth head. He purred. Then we just stood there, the only sound being the star reflecting sea washing on the shore far below.

"It's so beautiful." I whispered to Hiccup.

"Yeah." Hiccup smiled again.

I wrapped my hands around his arm and leaned on his shoulder as I looked out to sea. A second later, Hiccup sighed and relaxed. A smile dimpled my cheeks. This is what I wanted... more than a dragon.

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