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The waves lapped the shores of pink sand. Hiccup turned away with crossed arms from the sunset to frown at Egil, who was tied to a tree.

"Is the White Cap ready?" Hiccup asked Bjorg.

"Ready." Bjorg replied sullenly.

"Good." Hiccup nodded, walking over to Astrid. "We'll leave tomorrow."

"What are ye goin' do with me?" Egil called from where he was tied up. "Yer not goin' to leave me tied up all night?"

"I most certainly am!" Hiccup whirled on him. "Twice we saw you lunge at Cloud. I'm not going to risk her life so you can have a comfortable good night's sleep!"

Despite Bluewing wrapped around my shoulders and Serendipity at my side, I shivered. If it hadn't been for Snotlout and Hiccup, I might be dead. Egil had been eyeing me ever since I'd turned him in.

"Everyone get some sleep." Hiccup ordered. "Toothless and I will take the first watch. Snotlout, you're next."

Snotlout glared at Egil and pounded his fist into his hand.

We all bedded down as the sun sank under the water, leaving us in darkness. I leaned against a tree, my eyes constantly darting to where Egil stood and not ready to fall closed.

Bjorg approached Hiccup, after a brief discussion, Hiccup admitted him to the shadow beneath the tree.

From my resting place I could see Bjorg talking with his wild younger brother. After a minute, Bjorg gave it up, shuffling away with slouched shoulders.

As he walked past, I touched his hand.

"I'm sorry." I told him.

Bjorg sighed. "He's part Berserker, that one."

My eyes widened. "Really?"

"No, but it sure seems like it sometimes." Bjorg shook his head. "I don't know why 'e'd do this."

"I don't either. He's was always so timid."

"No, 'e never was." Bjorg told me. "He didn't start this shakin' business until we were banished."


"I guess he was terrified of gettin' caught. But 'e was never timid. He told me what to do."

"HE told YOU?"

"Aye. 'e's the one who told me to steal that paper from yer room, who told me what to say to everyone. The only thing 'e didn't tell me to do was invite ye all on the treasure 'unt. I think 'e was upset about that."

"Incredible. I always thought you were in charge."

"Nay. I let 'im be the boss after Mum made me promise to watch out fer 'im."

I sighed. "I wish he believed me when I told him when I knew how he feels."

"Ye watch out for 'im Lass."

"I will." I gulped.

"No, I mean it. 'e furious with ye. He wants yer life."

My blood ran cold. "I'll be careful. I promise."

"I'm sorry, Lass." With sad eyes, Bjorg walked over to his sleeping place.

Serendipity curled up beside me and I leaned against her, forcing Bluewing to scoot down into my lap. My eyes still wouldn't close. I watched Bluewing drift into sleep, mumbling as he dreamed.

Dipper nudged my elbow and I looked into her eyes. They were filled with emotion. Her green scales changed to blue.

"I'll be alright." I smiled, laying a hand on her nose. She cooed and the scales under my hand turned yellow.

"I love you too." Warmth filled my body, and suddenly my eyes felt heavy. I closed them and fell asleep.

Warm mist surrounded me. I could see nothing, but I heard something breathing. No matter where I looked, I couldn't see where it was.

Then a silhouette formed in the fog. It was the figure of a man holding a knife. He was coming straight for me!

I fell backwards and landed on my back. There was a shriek. My eyes flew open, ending the nightmare in my dream but revealing the nightmare that was actually happening. I didn't dare move.

Egil, with his dagger, stood face to face with Serendipity. My dragon hissed in his face.

"Out of the way, beast." Egil growled.

My hand brushed something hot. I glanced down to see Bluewing beside me, bristling and glaring daggers in Egil's direction.

How had Egil escaped? I looked over at the tree that was untied. There was no guard, but Bjorg slept where I had last seen Hiccup standing.

"I said out of my way!" Egil snapped. Serendipity shrieked again and whipped him with her tail, sending him flying...

Right into the fire pit.

Egil screamed, waking everyone in camp.

"Toothless!" Hiccup shouted. The Night Fury leaped forward, growling at the man who was now, wailing on the ground.

"How did he get out?" Astrid demanded.

"Bjorg was on duty." Snotlout frowned.

Hiccup stormed over to where Bjorg was still asleep. He kicked him in the leg. "Why did you let him go?!" He demanded.

Bjorg didn't respond.

Hiccup knelt down but leaped up a mili-second later.

"Get the first-aid over here!"

My heart leaped into my throat as the entire camp filled with noise. Everyone milled around, while Snotlout and the dragons guarded Egil. I stood up, Bluewing on my arm and Dipper at my side, and rushed over.

"What happened?" I asked as Fishlegs set the first-aid down to Hiccup and Bjorg.

My throat closed up. Blood stained Bjorg's shirt where a knife must have plunged into his stomach.

"He tried to kill his own brother?" I heard Astrid say.

"Even I'm not that desperate." Ruff whispered.

"Ruff, Tuff." Hiccup turned to them. "Go untie the ship. We're heading out NOW."

They ran down to the shore to get the White Cap ready while Hiccup turned to Astrid. "You watch Egil, and get Snotlout over here."

Astrid ran off with her axe and a moment later, Snotlout was at Hiccup's side.

"Snotlout, I need you to carry him on your shoulders."


"Don't argue, this is a dying man!"

Eyes wide, Snotlout bent down and Hiccup helped him get Bjorg onto his broad shoulders.

"To the ship, now!" Hiccup ordered. "We need to get to Berk as fast as we can!"

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