The Stolen Kits [Warrior Cats Fanfic] Chapter 8

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~Chapter 8~


-Scorchfeather’s POV-

“How do you climb this? My paws are aching already!” Fogstream huffed, licking her paw.

“….this is the easiest to get up….” I deadpanned and all the cats groaned, following me.

“You all have soft pads, just get over it.” I hissed, bounding up the rocks more quickly.

“Ow!” Marshfur muttered, licking at a paw. I sighed, rolling my eyes and stopped at an outcropping, a small cave entrance was there. The others clambered up, Stormpool having the most difficulty. Fogstream was used to climbing trees so at least she could climb something, Marshfur had strong back legs from swimming but Stormpool was just used to running.

“Why’d we stop?” Marshfur panted. We weren’t even that far up the cliff yet.

“Stay here.” I ordered, disappearing into the cave entrance. Any cave that was on the cliff had one herb. Always. It was lilies. I loved this plant.

“Come in here.” I called, ripping off the leaves. They all padded in, looking at me curiously.

“What are you doing?”

“Stormpool, come here.” I ordered, ignoring Fogstream’s question. He padded over catiously and I told him to lift up a paw and then tied some of the lily leaf onto it. Then I did the same with his other three paws.

“This feels weird.” He muttered, walking around the cave after my order. I was working on Marshfur’s paws now.

“Get over it.” I muttered bluntly, finishing his and quickly doing Fogstream’s.

“What’s this for, anyway? And why aren’t you doing the same?” She asked curiously.

“You all have weak pads. And the next part of the cliff is mostly jagged rocks. So, that will protect them….mostly.” I mused, exiting the cave and started leading them up the rock face again, much to their surprise and annoyance.

“Finally.” Stormpool huffed, pulling off the lily protecters on his paws as we reached the top of the cliff.

“It wasn’t that bad.” I pointed out, my ear twitching. They were struggling to get their breath back while I was barely winded.

“You’re used to it! That was really long!” Fogstream pointed out and the two toms nodded. I rolled my eyes, glancing up as I saw a shadow pass over us.

“Let’s go. The eagles are hungry around this time.” I told them as they were awed by the sight of the Clan territories below us. Though, with that comment, they soon got out of their daze and followed me towards our back border. I had my ears trained for the sound of flapping wings and my eyes glancing at the shadows, seeing if any were in the shape of a bird which would carry us away easily.

“Aren’t you scared of the eagles?” Fogstream asked and I shrugged.

“Food is food. Even if it makes you it’s food.” I mused, jumping over a fallen tree. We reached the edge of the small gathering of trees, signaling the end of ScorchClan territory. In front of us was open grass going a little while before becoming trees again.

“Yes! Grass!” Stormpool cheered, starting to roll in the fresh, green grass. I flicked my ears back, glancing at him with narrowed eyes. There was suddenly a screech and I dove forward, pushing Stormpool out of the way as an eagle caught the grass, stumbling slightly at catching air.

I shot up, launching onto the bird with a hiss, clawing at its wings  viciuously as it tried to shake me from its back. I jumped off, bringing feathers with me and let out a low hiss as it screeched, flying away.

I let out a snort, glancing down at the tramitized looking Stormpool along with the other two. “What are you three gaping at?”

“You just took on an eagle! And won! That thing was huge!” Fogstream crowed, looking like she wanted to run in circles excitedly.

“….you realize I’m the best eagle hunter in my entire clan?”

“You are?” She asked, making the others pause as well. I rolled my eyes, flicking my tail.

“Come on, we better go before he tries for Round Two.” I ordered, glancing up as I saw the shadow of the bird. The only reason I didn’t see it before was because a cloud blocked out the sun, reducing the light for shadow detection.

“Right.” The three nodded and we trekked across the open field before breaking into the tree line. I stretched my jaws, detecting my scent from yesterday along with Nightwhisker and Bloodpool and the unknown cat, or cats if you count the kits.

“I think the rogue took ScorchClan’s kits and he had three others with him who stole you guy’s kits and they met up somewhere, because I’m only getting our three kits and the rogue.” I told them and they nodded before we started heading along the trail.


Authors Note

Hey, all. Sorry I haven’t uploaded in a while and that this chapter sucks. I’ll try to get back into the swing of writing this and hopefully finish this during this week. I’m on Spring Break and I’m gonna spend it all trying to finish my stories. Except Friday. I’m going to Disney Quest on that day. It’s sad that I’ve never even gone to anything related to Disney except when I was, like, one.

You probably don’t want to hear my rant T.T alright, back to the main topic. So yeah, expect to be spammed for updates on this, my fans and non-fans that read this. By the way, you should fan me if you haven’t. And vote. I’m not as obsessive about comments because, truthfully? Why should I expect you guys to comment when I barely do myself o.o

I’m horrible, ain’t I? xD anyway, peace!


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