The Stolen Kits [Warrior Cats Fanfic] Chapter 7

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~Chapter 7~


-Scorchfeather’s POV-

“Have you found anything?” Froststar asked as my patrol came back. Nightwalker and Bloodpool were with me. Just in case anything decided to attack us as we headed past our normal borders ontop of the cliff.

“Yes.” I said, my pelt tingling. It was faint but we had caught onto it. After spending half the day following the faint scent it had gotten stronger once we came across some woods.

“You did?!” Frostyair cried, looking up with hope. Flowervine, who was sitting next to him as they shared a squirrel, copied his look and all four of us nodded.

“It was far past the border and was faint but eventually it picked up once we came across some woods.”

“That’s great! Come, tell me what you’ve found.” Froststar ordered, motioning our patrol closer from where we had stopped beside the rock tunnel. We padded over and the three toms motioned for me to speak. I cleared my throat, explaining the facts bluntly.

“We had picked up the trail about ten fox-lengths from the edge of the territory. We followed it for a long way and it was faint but once whoever it was hit the woods we could pick it up strongly. It’s a good thing the fourth sunrise is tomorrow.”

“Alright. Scorchfeather, you are going to be going with me at sunrise to meet the other leaders.” Froststar said, nodding.

“And the other two?” I questioned, remembering how he was to bring Lightningblaze and three other cats.

“Nightwalker and Bloodpool.” The two toms nodded, dipping their heads in respect.

“Alright, go eat up and then get some rest.” We all nodded, walking over to grab a piece of hawk.

“Did you really find the scent?” Frostyair asked, him and Flowervine looked worried yet relieved by the news at the same time.

“Yup. Don’t worry, we’ll get them back.” I said, promise in my voice. No one steals kits and gets away with it.

“Scorchfeather, wake up!” I jumped, smashing the top of my head against something and let out a groan, my ears flicking back in pain as I let out a low hiss.

“What?” I growled.

“Wake up, bird-brain.” Nightwalker snapped quietly, rubbing his chin with a paw.

“You should know not to wake me up.” I sighed, getting up and we quietly left the warrior’s den. Lightningblaze and Bloodpool were sitting there, looking as tired as I felt.

“Where’s Froststar?” I mewed.

“With Wheatshadow.” I nodded at Bloodpool’s short answer, sitting beside the three toms and watched the medicine cat den. Soon enough Froststar, Wheatshadow and Mistwater came out. My sister dipped her head to me, a bundle in her jaws, as the three of them with us so we made a circle.

“We’ll be heading out now. There’s no telling what the other leaders and I will decide so, just in case, Wheatshadow made some traveling herbs all of us are to take.” Froststar explained and my ears flattened. I hated the taste of those things.

“They taste disgusting.” Bloodpool muttered, staring down at them as Mistwater set them in front of us. Nightwalker, Lightningblaze and I nodded in agreement and I sighed, lapping up the plants.

“See you.” Mistwater called with a wave of her tail as we took our leave.

“Later.” I replied, disappearing into the rock tunnel. We soon sprinted off, rushing through the forest. Soon enough, as the sun was rising, we made it to the Crossing Tree, passing over onto the Meeting Island.

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