The Stolen Kits [Warrior Cats Fanfic] Chapter 6

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~Chapter 6~


-Scorchfeather’s POV-

“Why can’t we go?” Streampaw whined. Shadowpaw, Lightningpaw and Thunderpaw were sitting beside her, looking angry as well. It has been two days since the kits disappeared and tonight was a full moon, the night of the Gathering.

“Because, you’ll be protecting the camp and searching for the kits. And I’m only bringing a few warriors this time around.” Froststar explained calmly. And the scariest.

All the cats that were going were some of the best. The best jumpers, the best hunters, the best fighters, the most scariest attitude, the scariest glare, etc.

It was me, Nightwalker, Bloodpool, Frostyair, Wolfhowl, Viperhiss, Boulderglance, Ravagetooth, Glossynight, Russetstream, Ravenfeather, Spikecloud, Lightningblaze and Wheatshadow. Even Mistwater was staying behind. I shook my fur out, licking my paw to swipe over my ears. They were in perfect condition. No notches from fights or anything. Except in my right ear. There were two. It was from hunting an eagle while I was an apprentice. Let’s just saw the eagle payed. I still have feathers in my nest from it.

“Let’s go.” Froststar said after Robinfrost, his mate, in charge of the camp along with Smokewing and Dapplestone-two of the most senior warriors.

We were the third to arrive. The other two were FogClan and MarshClan. They were on separate sides of the island though. The Meeting Island was in the middle of the main river which separated ScorchClan from FogClan and MarshClan from StormClan. The streams that branched off were mostly going through MarshClan but was also used as borders between ScorchClan and StormClan and FogClan and MarshClan. To get to the Meeting Island, you had to go across on the Crossing Tree, a huge oak tree which spanned across the entire river on both sides and also the tree the leaders sat on during the Gathering.

As soon as we landed the hisses came from FogClan and we sent them right back.

“You bird-brains! What in the name of SpiritClan is wrong with you?!”

“Us? Speak for yourself you nut-eaters!” Viperhiss shot back, causing a few to flinch at the sight of his unnaturally sharp teeth. His claws were the same.

Frostyair, who was on one side of me, was hissing up a storm. Even I was slightly wary of him right now. Those were his kits. And the name ‘Frostyair’ described him well at this point. I was getting shivers down my spine at the pure bloodlust in his ice-blue eyes. His white pelt, spotted with black and ginger, was glowing eerily in the light from the full moon.

Before more insults could be thrown, StormClan made an appearance and this set MarshClan off while StormClan was doing the same. All four leaders-Froststar, Streamstar, Shadowstar and Skystar-had jumped onto the Crossing Tree and were glaring at one another.

“Silence!” Streamstar snapped. Everyone shut up, shocked by the calm, collected leaders voice that was filled with venom and anger.

“I’ll start. Skystar! Is there a reason one of your warriors has stolen our kits?!” He hissed. StormClan exploded with outrage while MarshClan was sending insults their way.

“I’ve done no such thing! It’s your warriors how stole our kits you mud-brain! And I want them back!” Skystar retorted, his eyes like bricks of ice.

“Are you mouse-brained?!” Streamstar shouted.

“While we’re at it….Froststar! One of your warriors have stolen our kits!” Shadowstar growled. It was shocking really. The usual happy and cheerful leader was seething in anger. I let out a growl, my clanmates echoing me as we turned glares at FogClan.

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