The Stolen Kits [Warrior Cats Fanfic] Chapter 5

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~Chapter 5~


~Scorchfeather’s POV~

I woke up to a screech and instantly shot out of the warrior’s den, everyone else hot on my tail.

“What happened?” I growled, bursting into the nursery once I passed the lilies that usually covered it.

“My kits! My kits are gone!” Flowervine wailed and I instantly opened my mouth, trying to catch a scent as Froststar broke into the den. The warriors parted way, allowing him to get to the distressed queen. His white pelt was rumpled from sleep and his bright orange paws were clawing at the ground as his ice-blue eyes glanced around. Frostyair shot forward, comforting his made as anger shown in his eyes along with worry.

“Maybe they’re exploring.” Appleblaze suggested optimously.

“No.” I mewed. The entire clan turned to look at me but I had my head bowed, making sure the scent I was picking up was right.

“Unless they somehow started smelling like FogClan, they aren’t exploring.” I hissed, gasps echoing as cats shot forward, scenting the air themselves.

“Who was guarding the rock tunnel?” Froststar yowled over the noise.

“Me! I didn’t hear or smell anything and I was wide-awake from my nap earlier!” Jewelblaze, my mother, meowed.

“Everyone, look for more traces of FogClan scent.” Froststar ordered. We all instantly bounded out of the nursery and started searching for a scent that would lead us to those fox-hearted cowards. How dare they steal kits?!


~Marshfur’s POV~

My eyes snapped open, sensing something wasn’t right.

I stood up, carefully stepping over my clanmates as I made my way out of the warrior’s den.

“This isn’t funny anymore! Get here now!” I heard a voice order and I padded outside the camp to find Bluefeather standing there, her fur fluffed up and her eyes wide in anxiety.

“What’s wrong?” I meowed, startling her. She turned, looking panicked.

“I can’t find Frogkit, Bluekit and Grasskit anywhere!” She meowed and my fur started puffing up. What?

“I woke up and didn’t see them and then I smelled StormClan scent all over the nursery and I’ve been searching for my kits but I can’t find them! Stonetooth, who was guarding the camp, is out searching right now and I’m starting to think this isn’t a joke anymore!” She cried, rambling anxiously.

“I’ll go get Streamstar. Keep calling for them in case they hear you.” I ordered. She nodded as I ran back into the camp and into the bush that was in the center of the camp. There was a dead tree in the center and you had to go through the bushes to get to the little space that was the opening to the leader’s den. The dead tree had a branch on it we called High Branch and that’s where Streamstar sat during Clan Meetings.

“Wake up!” I ordered, bursting through without waiting for his permission . Streamstar lifted his head up quickly, letting out a yowl of surprise. His dark gray pelt fluffed up and he looked at me with narrowed yellow eyes once his mind came into focus.

“Marshfur? Why in the name of SpiritClan are you in my den?!” He snapped. Usually he was calm and collected. Except for when you wake him up. He’ll snap your head off.

“It’s Bluefeather’s kits! Their missing! And there’s StormClan scent in the nursery!” I told him quickly. His eyes widened and he scrambled up as I ran out, heading into the nursery myself. Sure as the fish in the river, there was the StormClan scent. Those filthy rabbit-chasers!


*Stormpool’s POV*

I headed into the camp, Sundapple at my side. We had decided for a walk in the moonlight. When we came back to camp though, it was in chaos.

“What happened?!” Sundapple yowled.

Windcatcher stopped, turning his gaze to us. “Vinekit and Blackkit have been kid-napped! Snakegaze woke up and they were gone! All that’s left is MarshClan scent!”


“Where were you guys?!” He snapped, ignoring my question.

“Out walking!”

“Did you see anything?” After a shake of our heads he ran off as we went to join our clanmates in searching. Mud-brains! Why would they stoop as low as to kidnap kits?!


~Fogstream’s POV~

“Willowkit, Waterkit, Treekit, Sharpkit! Where are you?!” I yowled, Crowglance jumping through the tree branches beside me.

“Mouse-dung. Where could they have gone?! Other than the scent of ScorchClan in the nursery, it’s like they were never there!” He growled.

The Clan had woken up to Silverdawn’s screeching. Usually she would’ve woken up her mate, Windtalon, and they would find them quickly. But not this time. She had freaked out at having the ScorchClan scent in the nursery. Then Shadowstar woke everyone up as scent us out on teams of two to go and find them. I just knew one thing: If I ever got a hold of the ScorchClan cat that was responsible, I’m going to claw his eyes out. It’s cowardly to take kits! What kind of warrior does that?!


Authors Note

Alright! I’ve got the ball rolling! Let’s hope it doesn’t get stuck! Peace!

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