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"End these Saviors and their accomplices! Alexandria will not fall, not on this day!"

Amelie gripped the bat tighter and swung on the many bodies that came across her. She twirled the bat and swung at a woman whom she did not know.

"Puddin'!" Without hesitation, she ran and threw herself at Jack

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"Puddin'!" Without hesitation, she ran and threw herself at Jack. Her Puddin' was waiting there for her. He'd risked everything to save her, and she was definitely going to show him how grateful she was. The two shared a kiss in the middle of chaos and raised their guns shooting someone that came running towards them. Her eyes widened with joy and her heart almost burst from her chest.

This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for anyone else in the whole history of the world, she thought with fierce love. That's why he's my one and only Puddin'.

Jack grinned and growled at the woman, she giggled and brought out his diamond shape 'J' pinky ring and slid it onto his finger before giving him his purple gun back. Jack looked over and saw Negan behind a car, his mind occupied on trying to find Amelie and dodging bullets of course. Jack turned her head and showed the scene. "Go, if they see you, you'll die. I don't want that Babe."

She whimpered at him but kissed him again. "Will I ever get to see you again," she asked the man. Jack smiled and placed both hands on her face. "I'd burn the whole world just to see you again Baby. I'll get grape soda and a bear skin rug for you, just like old times. Now go quickly."

Amelie bit her lip and gave him his purple gun back. Giving him one quick kiss, she ran off to the now moving truck. Doing flips every so often. Jack smiled and blew a kiss to Amelie's disappearing figure.

 Jack smiled and blew a kiss to Amelie's disappearing figure

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"Bye Puddin! Hey wait up!"

The three men jumped as they heard a loud smack on the window. Amelie was hanging upside down and waving to the men. Dwight rolled down the window and grabbed her bat placing it in between his legs. Amelie climbed through the small opening and shimmied her way inside the truck, her shorts riding down showing her bare bottom.

"What a day! That tiger was awesome."

"Look at the pretty trees! Are you guys seein' this! It's totally kickass! Sucks about Sasha though, we still have Eugene so it's okay he's still my bff number one. Sasha was second. Come on pedal to the metal Simon. You're drivin' like an old fart and I gotta get all dolled up tomorrow."

The return back at the sanctuary was quiet. Everyone seemingly had enough of Negan for a day. Especially Amelie. When they finally made it Negan decided to give his same old speech about power and obeying him.

"Getting preparations in place. Everyone's on "blue level." You say the word, they're ready to go."

Negan bit the inside of his cheek and pursed his lips.
"That's good. How the hell do you think she wound up dead in that box?"

Eugene slightly stuttered as he answered to Negan.
"My, um, best possible posit fingers the tarp. That sealed up said box good and tight. She ran out of air."

"Maybe," Negan sighs and walks to the edge of the railing, Amelie and Eugene following behind. He looks down at the many faces below him.

            "So we are going to war!"

The crowd bellowed in agreement at the man's command, "Yes, sir!"

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