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The first time Amelie was taken away from him was the hardest time of his life. He'd hate to admit it but it was true.

The room was dark and cold and Jack lay on the floor, arms spread wide, drunk and miserable. A circle of knives and guns surrounded him. Beyond that was still another circle with more guns and knives and blades just waiting for him to pick his favorite then take it to his neck and slice all the way through. He didn't think he'd ever miss her. After all, she offered him nothing beyond total subservience and unconditional love. Traits he was absolutely certain could easily be replaced by adopting some mangy, flea-bitten shelter dog. But finding another sex-starved, demented cheerleader psychopath didn't turn out to be quite that easy. Even though he had wanted to take a drill to her head every time she called him Puddin' or Mr. J, he actually craved that now.

"Where are you, you Looney Tune? Your Puddin' wants you."

Jack was lying in the center of the room, hidden in shadow. He reached for a long knife but let it go as one of his members walked in. His idiot major domo was breathing hard and couldn't wait to tell his boss what he'd learned. "Boss, I got some information," he said, carefully stepping over the nearest corpse.

"It cost. It cost big."

"I don't care," Jack said as the man pulled up a chair across from him. "Just tell me. Where is she?"
Frost knew this was where everything could go south. If he presented the information the wrong way, Frost would be joining the rest of these prematurely retired Mafioso. "It's complex, boss. Because it's not just her. Everyone is disappearing."

"Everyone?"Jack repeated. He didn't like where this was going. The man was treading deep water now.
"But I got answers and even a possible suggestion. I mean if you want to take it." The man waited. This could turn on a dime and still give change. But Jack just lay on the floor and stared up at the ceiling. Obviously, the man thought, he wasn't going to kill him. He breathed a silent sigh of relief and continued. "So like I say, it's not just her. There's some new law. Federal, not city or state. It comes down to this: if you're a bad enough bad guy, they stamp terrorist on your jacket and send you to this new decret court."

"You are getting on my nerves. You said you had answers. I'm not hearing them."

"I was coming right to it, boss. I couldn't find anything about the court itself. You know, it's all top secret, but by spreading some cash to the right people, I'm close to getting some real info."

"How close?"

"Real close, boss. I swear on my life."

In just days, Jack had already planned a good scheme to get Amelie back. It was going to be very messy.

               One shot.

                                   Two shot.

                                                   Three shot.

Jack and his goons had just about climbed the pits of hell itself to get Amelie back. A few of his men died but it was a sacrifice that he was willing to make. By the end of their journey any regular person would've though Jack was a natural redhead. He would do it all over again if it meant reuniting with Amelie.

Amelie had laid in bed crying for her true love to come and rescue her from all this. The lights went out and the alarms blared. She perked up and wiped away her tears as she heard gunfire. She knew what that meant and she couldn't wait for him to make his appearance. The wall next to her exploded. Paramilitary thugs in bulletproof armor and gas masks power-sawed their way into her steel cage. Then he walked in. Barefoot and dancing, dressed like the finest man in the world. The woman squealed in delight and jumped into his open arms, hugging him tightly.

                        "Lets go home."

Sickening Desire   ¤THE WALKING DEAD¤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz