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She remembered the feeling of grass on her toes, the scent of pine in the crisp and cool air. She remembered when there was no worries in the world. The way she and her lover would stare at the outdoors, the way they would drive through the trees without a worry in the world.

Until it came crashing down.

She was taken away from her lover and was sent to the worst of the worst places there could possibly  be, a maximum security prison. And by the looks of her record, she would be there for a very long time. She counted the days she had had been there, tallying the marks on her thighs, carving each slash until her leg was soaked with dark crimson blood. She stopped after fifty days and fifty nights.

She knew that their relationship was toxic, their love was like a burning flame it burned them when it was hot. Love hurts. It would be some day that they would realize that they couldn't stay and love eachother. That they had to be heartless and cruel towards eachother. But they both craved eachother, they couldn't stay inseparable it was mad love between the two. She still remembers the last day they were together and how heartbreaking it was for both of them.

It was cold and quiet in the jungle, the sun shined against the leaves. The water dripped down the plants due to the heavy rainfall from the night before. The two had been in their lavish safe house, the windows from their room fogged from the heat from their passionate moment no long ago. Both lovers panted and tried to catch their breath, the man smoke a cigar and turned to the woman who stared at the beautiful scenery through the window with a smile playing on her lips. He would cherish moments like these. The ones where they could feel the love radiating around the room.

"Looney toon come to daddy. Your puddin wants you."

The woman began crawling towards him with an open smile. The door had been barged open revealing various police officers aiming deadly weapons towards them. Grasping the sheets closer to her body, the woman watched the police grabbed her lover, hitting him forcefully as he tried to crawl his way to the pale woman. The woman screamed as she saw him getting beat before she was dragged away from him, naked and tears dripping down her cheeks.

She knew he was a bad man, that he killed people for a living. He was a gambling man, who didn't know how to fix his sins on his own. The two were running away from their problems, they were done with the life they had. They even had their suitcases packed ready to go somewhere new, where they wouldn't be recognized.

First the days passed, then the months. She fasted for days and nights. Obtaining from mirrors and contact with anyone. She slowly but surely began to loose her sanity, she thought she was fixing her problems. If she forgot about him he would cease to exist. But she was only loving him even more. Her first love, the person who swooped her off her feet, the man who stole her heart was gone, rotten and damaged it was.

Even after the years passed by she never quite forgot about him. She could never forget about him, even if she wanted to. The man had burrowed his way deep into her heart.

It wasn't until Negan was ready to rest his eyes that he heard a whimper beside him. She must be having that dream again. When he went to console her she moved away from him and clutched the blanket. Negan always hated when she had those dreams. It made him feel so... jealous. He knew he couldn't compete with a dead guy.

"Oh puddin, I love you."

The man sighed and tried to go to sleep. He had a big day tomorrow.

Sickening Desire   ¤THE WALKING DEAD¤Where stories live. Discover now