Chapter 82

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Landon's POV
Today is the day we meet my dad's girlfriend. It feels so weird saying that. He's never really had one before. He was always too busy working or not really interested.

I'm a little hesitant to meet her. After everything that happened with my mom, I never really thought he would find someone else. But now he has and I've been playing back in my mind what my mom did.

My dad says he's been talking to her for a few months and he really wants us to meet her. He assured me she was good, but I can't be too sure since I've never met her.

I was in Brody's room, laying on his bed while he got ready. I'm supposed to be getting ready as well, but I was trying to stall.

"Are you gonna go get ready?" Brody asked me, as he was searching his closet for something to wear.

"No," I shook my head.

"Ok, so what's up?" He asked. He knew I was on the fence about meeting her, but we haven't talked much about it.

"You know what," I told him. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, thinking about how to deal with me.

"Landon, I get that you're nervous, but dad really likes her so just try," He said.

"I'm not gonna talk to her," I told him. I planned it out in my head. I was just gonna sit quietly or play on my phone. No way was I actually gonna talk to her. She could be a demon!

"Landon, that's childish and dad is gonna get mad at you for being rude," Brody rolled his eyes at me.

"I don't care!" I huffed and left his room, going across the hall to Noah's.

"What?" Noah asked, seeing me enter his room.

"I don't wanna meet dad's girlfriend," I pouted.

"I don't especially want to either, but we have to for dad," He explained to me.

"That's what Brody said!" I grumbled. I was hoping Noah would side with me.

"Good, you don't always get what you want. Sometimes you have to deal with things," Noah told me. That made me annoyed. I know I can't always get my way, even though it seems to go my way a lot, but still, he should've sided with me!

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes. I could tell I was gonna be in a bad mood most of the day.

"You can leave now," Noah pointed to the door. I glared at him and went to my room.

This girl is already ruining my life and I don't even know her name!

I let out a frustrated yell and laid on my bed. A couple minutes later I heard footsteps coming. I turned over and put my face in the pillow, pretending to be asleep.

Someone walked in and sighed.

"Bud, I know you're not sleeping, so please get up and get dressed," My dad told me.

"I don't wanna," I rolled over to face him.

"We're not doing this again," He told me. "You're going to meet her and you better be respectful or you're gonna be grounded."

He left my room and I decided I should probably get dressed before everyone in my family is mad at me.

I put on a super causal outfit, consisting of Nike shorts, a under armor shirt, and slides.

I went downstairs and my family was in the kitchen talking. They looked over at me and my dad seemed annoyed.

"If we weren't running late then I would've made you change your outfit," My dad told me. "Now everyone in the car!"

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