Chapter 59

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Landon's POV
I only have a month and a half left of school, which I'm super happy about. I'm getting tired of going to school and doing tons of homework everyday.

Basketball season ended and my team only lost 2 games! It's the best any of my teams have ever done. Since basketball is over and baseball doesn't start for a week I have nothing to do after school.

Today is the first day I didn't have anything after school, which means I just come home. The best thing is I won't have my annoying brothers around for a couple of hours. It's gonna be the best week of my life! Brody was kind of worried though. He thinks I can't handle being by myself, but I totally can. They never leave me by myself, so I haven't been able to prove to them that I can handle it.

"Bud, are you sure you want to come home after school? You can come watch our practice," Brody told me. I was definitely sure. I don't want to have to watch their boring practice. I'm growing up and they should just deal with it

"Yes, I don't want to watch your practice," I told him.

"Ok, if you're sure," He said, unconvinced I was making the right choice.

"Yes, I am. I'm old enough to stay by myself," I told him, a little annoyed he was making it such a big deal.

"I know you are, but still I'm gonna worry about you. You're my baby brother," He told me. I hated when he called me his baby brother.

"Brody! Stop!" I whined and he chuckled.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry, but it's true," He said.

"Whatever," I groaned.

"Go get ready for school," Brody pushed me out of his room.

I went to my room and got dressed in joggers. I was feeling really lazy today and didn't feel like dressing up.

I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth, then went downstairs stairs.

"You look like a slob," Noah told me. I was gonna tell him he didn't look any better, but he was actually wearing a nice outfit, so I decided against it.

"I look fine!" I protested.

"Sure you do," He teased me. I don't think I looked bad, but just a little lazy.

"You're such a butt hole!" I told him. I made sure I didn't cuss though. Even though I really wanted too. I didn't feel like getting in trouble.

"I know," He laughed and ruffled my hair. I actually took time on my hair and he ruined it!

"Hey!" I slapped his hand away.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"You messed up my hair!" I whined, looking in the mirror trying to fix it.

"Sorry," He smirked. I knew he wasn't sorry, but he did come up behind me and help me fix my hair. I hate to admit it, but he did a way better job then me.

"Alright losers, get in my truck!" Brody yelled, coming down the stairs.

I grabbed my bag and followed them outside.

They dropped me off at school and I waved goodbye.

The whole day was really boring, but I asked Jake to come over after school and his mom said yes. Brody never told me I couldn't have friends over, so I don't think he'll mind..... well hopefully he won't.

Jake and I rode the bus to my house. We were walking up to the door and it was lock. I realized that I have never had a key to my own house.

"Uh how are we gonna get in?" Jake asked. I had no clue. I didn't want to have to wait a couple hours until Brody got home.

Life with Older BrothersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz