Chapter 63

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Landon's POV
Today was Friday and we didn't have school. It was a teacher work day. I'm really happy to have a 3 day weekend.

I didn't really have any homework. Since school is almost out for the summer they have been cutting back on homework. I guess that's just in the middle school cause Noah has been complaining of all the homework he has.

Since today I was doing nothing and I didn't feel like laying around all day. I decided to have some friends over, but I have to ask Brody first.

I went to his room and he wasn't there. I checked the bathrooms, kitchen, game room, and even outside and I couldn't find him.

I heard Noah in his room, so I was gonna see if he had seen Brody. I walked in and he was FaceTiming Samantha.

"Landon get out," Noah told me.

"But I have a question," I whined.

"Fine, what?" He sighed.

"Where's Brody?" I asked.

"He went to the store," He answered me.

"Oh, well, I have a question for him. When do you think he'll be back?" I asked again. I was hoping he would be back soon cause I really want my friends to come over.

"Uh I don't know, maybe like an hour," He told me.

I sat down beside him on his bed and looked at his phone, where I could see Samantha.

"Hey Landon!" She smiled.


"You can leave now," Noah told me, rolling his eyes.

"Well if Brody is gone that means you have to watch me, so entertain me!" I told him.

"Why are you so annoying?" He asked. Samantha was still on FaceTime laughing at us.

"Because I'm your little brother and I'm supposed to be," I smirked.

"I wish I had your life," He told Samantha. "I would love not having siblings."

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Having no siblings is boring. I would rather have your life," Samantha said.

"I would rather you be my sibling," I said to Samantha.

I've actually never really wanted a sister. My friend had a older sister and she's as bad as my brothers. I like brothers better cause we share similar interests. Even though they are stronger and like to hurt me.

"Go watch tv now," Noah told me, obviously getting annoyed I was here.

"Fine, bye Samantha!" I walked out of his room and into Brody's. I turned on the tv and got under his covers.

Jake and Brandon were texting me and asking if they could come over yet, but Brody's being slow, so I decided to text him.


Big Bubba- Why? Do you miss my butt?

Ugh he's so annoying!

Me- NO! Just please hurry up!

He didn't answer after than, which I'm hoping means he's on his way home. He always tells me that he never texts and drives, but he does all the time!

A couple minutes later Brody walked into his room and saw me.

"Why are you in my bed?" He asked.

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