Chapter 7

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Noah's POV
Two weeks later

Landon's ribs had healed all the way. He back to being loud and obnoxious.

Lately all my friends have been having awesome parties and I really want to throw one myself. I'll just have to convince Brody, which I'm thinking he will say yes because he used to always throw parties.

I made my way to Brody's room hoping he was in a good mood. As I got to his door I saw Landon with an airhorn about ready to go into Brody's room.

I quickly grabbed him and took him to his room. There is no way I'm letting him ruin this for me.

"Hey! Let go of me." Landon yelled, trying to get out of my grip. I put my hand over his mouth to keep him from yelling.

"Landon be quiet." I told him throwing him on his bed.

"Why?? I was gonna scare Brody and you ruined it!" He pouted.

"I need him to be in a good mood when I ask him something, so don't bother him until I'm done talking to him. Ok?" I said making sure he would not bother Brody.

"No!!" He said and started walking out of his room. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back on his bed.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." I told him.

"Noah just let me go!" He yelled trying to hit me.

"No. Now leave Brody alone until I say or I will hurt you." I told him, while sitting on him so he can't move.

"Ok, ok, I'll leave him alone." He said scared. I smirked in satisfaction and got off of him.

"Stay here until I come and get you." I told him walking out of his room.

I walked to Brody's room and made sure to knock.

'Knock Knock'

"What" I heard him say.

"I need to talk to you." I said waiting outside his door.

"Ok come in." He said giving me permission to come inside.

He was in his closet picking out an outfit.

"What do you need bud?" He asked looking at me.

"Umm... Well... I was wondering if I can throw a party this weekend?" I asked.

He stayed in his closet still looking for an outfit. I just stood there awkwardly waiting for an answer.

"I guess, but you have to watch Landon tonight. I'm going out." He finally answered.

"What no! I already had a date with Maddie planned." I told him annoyed.

"Well than I guess you can't have a party." He smirked. Ughh sometimes he can be a huge douche.

"Fine I'll watch him, but what am I supposed to do about my date?" I said caving in.

"Just take him with you." He told me.

"I guess. When are you leaving?" I asked him.

"In like 20 minutes." He said. Dang I was going to have to watch Landon all day again.

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