Chapter 55

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Noah's POV
Today is the first full day at the lake house. My friends and I had just woken up. Somehow Brody and his friends all got their own room, which made everyone else share. I didn't really care a whole lot because most of the time would be spent outside, but apart of me was still annoyed.

"I'm so ready to get on the water!" Cody told me, with his raspy morning voice.

"Me too." I said standing up, putting sweats over my blue and gray Calvin Klein boxers.

Kyle and I went downstairs, while Cody went pee. I could smell food cooking, making my stomach growl. Brody and his friends were cooking food, I think waffles, but I'm not sure.

"Hey guys." Brody nodded toward us.

"Hey." I answered back, grabbing the chocolate milk from the fridge.

"Is Landon and his friends awake?" Brody asked, flipping a piece of bacon.

"I didn't hear anything." I told him.

"Will you go wake them?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I started walking towards their room. I peeked through the door and saw they were all sleeping. Their room had 2 sets of bunk beds, and even though they had enough beds, I found Landon sleeping on the ground.

I walked in farther and stood over Landon trying to decide how to wake him up. I could go nice or mean, and we all know I'm not very nice, but then I don't want him to be grumpy all day, so I decided to do a happy medium.

I picked up a pillow no one was using and smack it on Landon's face. He groaned, opening his eyes to scowl at me.

"What the heck, Noah!?" He yelled at me, causing his friends to wake up.

"I was told to wake you up, which I did." I smirked slightly.

"You could do it nicer." He said standing up, wrapping a blanket around himself. He walked out of the room with Jake and Brandon following him.

When he walked into the kitchen he came up behind Brody and hugged him around his waist, burying his head into him.

"What's up?" Brody asked Landon.

"He's mad at me because I hit him with a pillow to wake him up." I told Brody.

"Well then you should've been awake." Brody teased Landon.

"I'm gonna run away." Landon told us with a scowl on his face as he went to sit down.

"Yeah right! You'd be lost without your favorite big brother." I told him, hugging him around his neck. He tried to push me away, but it didn't work.

"Foods ready!" Brody yelled from the kitchen. All 9 of us fixed our plates and began eating.

I was pouring my chocolate milk that I didn't get to earlier when Landon came up to me.

"Can I have some?" Landon asked, holding his cup out.

"If you can get it." I teased him, holding the chocolate milk right above his head where he couldn't grab it.

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