Anything Could Happen

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Taylor's P.O.V.

A month. An entire month. That's how long it's been since we left our friends over in the U.S. of A. And to be quite frank, it's been 'bloody hell' as Ron Weasley would say.  Seeing the people you care about on a computer screen does absolute shit compared to the real thing. Honestly, it makes you miss them so much more. Em, Dani El and I have skype every night since we left them and in ways it's like we haven't even been apart, but the computer screen seperating us, not to mention distance, is a constant reminder that's not the case. 

Harry is constantly texting me as well, thank the Lord. It's been really hard going from being near him 24/7 to skyping every few days and just texting for some type of contact. I miss his kisses, random late nights chats, not to mention his constant hugs... But being able to talk to him is definitely better than nothing. There was a few days we hadn't talked to each other because of how busy the boys got with one of their stops. And not having him to talk to those 3 days was torture, it really made me thankful for the times we do talk and I see him on skype. 

But decides missing everyone like there's no tomorrow, Em and myself did have some exciting news, well guests, come about a week ago. See, one thing no one knew is that Em has a step brother. Her dad had gotten remarried when she was ten, and her step-mother brought along Kendall. Yes, some of you may know a Kendall Schmidt from a band known as Big Time Rush? Well they've been on break recently because of Carlos and Alexa's engagement, so Kendall, James and Logan decided to come for a visit. I honestly have no idea how we hadn't met One Direction when they were touring with them, but hey, we eventually did and I am not complaining. Things are just confusing I guess. It just proves that anything could happen really.

Today though, Em and 3/4 of BTR decided to go to Intercty to shop around, the guys mainly interested in Sport Chek, their TV show wasn't misleading. They all really do enjoy ice hockey, although Carlos has long left the 'helmet' stage, it was cute while it lasted though. But as they were all shopping I was just spending my day lounging around the apartment. I was currently sat on the loveseat with a tub of ice cream and a bowl of popcorn, surrounded by blankets watching Curious George.. Hey now, don't judge! We've all watched George at least once.. You get, curious. ;)

Anyways, I believe I was on my 12th episode of this cute children's show when I heard the front door open and slam closed. I just kinda brushed it off, thinking it was my love, Emme and her three musketeers. I kept my eyes on the television, George had found some paint and decided to paint the walls with a bunch of random ideas, which I thought would  unmistakbly do. The episode had finished about fifteen minutes later, my ice cream beginning to melt so getting up, I walked to the kitchen to place it back in the freezer. 

Turning around, I wasn't  expecting anything, or anyone, to be there. I let out a scream seeing that someone was in fact behind me, but I ended up screaming bloody murder when I realized just who it was..

"Hello, beautiful. Miss me?" I really wanted to punch that vindictive smirk right off of his face if I wasn't so frozen in fear. Damn myself for not locking the door earlier... I was shocked out of my paralyzed state when he advnced towards me, truning and bolting for the front door, getting there to find out he had locked it behind him. I was too slow to react this time, resulting in him grabbing me by the shoulders and flinging me backwards into the wall, shattering the mirror tht was previously hung there on the wall. Letting out a shriek of pain, I pulled myself up, attempting to run once again.

I didn't get very far though, before being flung over the couch, crashing into the glass coffee table. It broke underneath the new weight, shards of glass cutting and digging deep into my back. I could contain the tears, of fear and of pain, any longer. I tried getting up again, only making it to my knees before feeling a cloth covering my mouth and nose. I held my breathe as long as I could before having to inhale the sour smelling rag. My body lost all control, falling to the floor. I could feel myself slipping in and out of blackness. I honestly didn't know what to do. I wanted to fight back, escape but I couldn't.

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