Author's Note

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Author's Note;

Hey everyone! Sooo, this is my very first book, EEP! I'm so excited! I hpe I can get some reads! I joined wattpad a few months ago and just can't get enough of all the amazing books on here, it's awesome! I love One Direction, so clearly my first book is about them.

I've never really written a full length book before, so PLEEEEASSE bear with me?! :) Also, this book is going to have a slow start to it, just because I dont really want to rush things, whats the fun in that? Anticipation is key! But in due time, the boys will be here! No worries :) soo please! Read on, enjoy the first chapter! Already working on the rest, I have sooo much planned it'll be great!

Alright, talk to you all later lovelies. Byee!

Anything Could Happen n.h.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora