Mystery, Romance and an Oak Tree

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OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I hope you have beared with me during these past few weeks. I am terribly sorry I haven't updated. school has been getting slightly more difficult and I have sports after school as well, finding time is tight. but everything seems to be settling down and hopefully i can start updating once or twice a week again.

But enough for now. I hope you enjoy this chapter. It isn't one of my favorites, but it might be for you. So, read on! 

PS. have a look at the picture on the right... Too funny! Love You Zayn! <33 ~~~~>

TTFN.  <3


walk down to the back entrance of the hotel

The seemingly innocent words written by Harry Styles himself were in the envelope. I didn't know what exactly was going to be happening, but I did as those “harmless” words told me to. And when I got there, I found yet another envelope.

Now walk out that door and get in.

Forward much...? I feel like I'm being kidnapped or something. I swear to God Harry Styles if you're trying to kidnap me, you better watch it. I walked outside to find a sleek white limo waiting for me. The driver standing there holding the door awaiting my arrival. I feel like a princess! I hoped in to find yet another envelope.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride love ;)

Really Harry? Why so much secrecy!? Can't he just tell me where I am going? Apparently not. About forty-five minutes later, the driver stopped. We were a bit outside of the city, I could see a fancier looking restaurant next to us, clearly looking out of place here. I got out of the limo to see Harry there, smiling at me. I made sure to make it seem like I was annoyed with him, not returning the smile I was so trying to hide. It's just this feeling he gives me... I can't describe it, but it's complete bliss.

I couldn't contain myself anymore. I broke out into the widest grin you could possibly imagine. This cheeky looking British boy standing in front of me was just to sweet. “Hello, Love!” he said with a smile. He walked over to me and gave me a warm hug along with a kiss to the cheek, no rushing things here! He took my hand and led me into the restaurant. It was cute! It felt, homey. The host had seated us and all Harry was doing was staring at me, with a smile plastered on his face. It hasn't gone away since I stepped out of that limousine.

Harry's P.O.V.

I haven't stopped smiling! Get it together lad, you're probably freaking her out! I honestly don't know what it is about her, but she completely and utterly captivates me. And having her looking so beautiful in front of me right now does not help. Taking her hand in mine earlier sent shivers down my back. It felt right, like it was meant to be there.

We were now currently sitting in a booth at the restaurant, we were located in the back in order to not be disturbed. I didn't want what happened to Niall and Emme's date to happen to us. This has to be perfect! The waiter came up to as asking for our drink orders, and thank the Lord we had a male server and not one of those try-hard bimbos that look at you all flirty and make it obvious in front of your date. I've had a few of those in the past, and that's usually why I haven't heard from the girls afterward. It's sad really.

Dinner was only the first part. And it was lovely! We chatted the entire time and I got to know her a little bit better, as well as her getting to know me. After, I had one more envelope left, and I was saving it until just before we left. Earlier at dinner, I had found out behind her sarcastic and tough-looking exterior she portrays, she isn't a big risk taker. Which made my next envelope even better.

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