Niall's Princess

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alright. FINALLY! this is a long one, and i actually really like this chapter! picture off to the side of what Emme's outfit looks like! some drama will be coming soon, already forming it in my head.... 

Also, i am dedicating this chapter to noodles17!! you're great! thanks for reading my story :) <3

enjoy the chapters my little leprechauns!! MWAH!


Emme's P.O.V.

I woke up to a bunch of deep giggling and 'shh's' to the right of me. I slowly opened my eyes, me still lying on the floor. I looked around and saw the other girls were still fast asleep in the same places as last night. I then saw the five culprits, all hovering over Eleanor's oblivious sleeping figure. I finally realized what they were doing as I looked at Dani and Tay, faces covered in silly drawings in permanent marker. These boys were soo going to be in trouble. I looked at my reflection in my phone lying next to me, breathing a sigh of relief when they hadn't gotten to me yet.

I quickly wiped away any traces of smudged make-up and cleared my throat. They all froze in place and turned to find me giving them a death glare, looking all guilty because they had been caught. “You boys aren't going to live once the girls wake up to see what you did..” and they all knew it too. Dani was the first one to react to all the commotion. She then saw the boys with the uncapped sharpies and guilty expressions. Liam instantly went into defense mode, trying to regain any kind of sympathy from his girlfriends saying, “IT WAS THE BOYS' IDA, I SWEAR!” but Danielle wouldn't hear it, she let out a battle cry as she charged her boyfriend, jumping up and heading straight for him.

He was too slow to react though, because as soon as she was up, she was on top of him. Knocking him over with a huge 'thud'. I couldn't help but laugh at Liam's expression, pure shock at the fact that his seemingly harmless girlfriend plowed him over without any difficulty. All the boys at this point were all laughing along also, completely unaware that El and Taylor had gotten up as well. They nodded their heads, as if to tell me to get ready to pounce, and as they noticed I was coming closer, they tried to run. Ending up with all of us in a huge pile, laughing hysterically, on the ground. I unfortunately was on the bottom of the pile, somehow on my back, with Niall lying face down on top of me. Not gonna lie, I wasn't complaining. His deep blue eyes were staring straight into my vibrant blue ones, never leaving each others gaze. I don't know how long we had been lying there like that, but everyone had gotten up and were staring at us with smirks on their faces, well the boys' anyways. The girls were all just smiling, I knowing perfectly well why. We quickly got up, blush quite clear on our faces, but again I wasn't complaining.


The boys had stayed for a late lunch in our hotel room, seeings as how we slept til at least 1pm. We had decided to watch a movie as we ate, letting Liam pick and of course we watched his favorite: Toy Story. By the time the movie finished it was already closer to five and my date with Niall was at seven. I needed to get ready! Who knew I was going to be going on a date with THE Niall Horan from One Direction. I hoped into the shower at once, the girls already going into my room and getting things ready. I hated having showers, you always thought about life's tough questions. Pondering every aspect, and I was doing exactly that.

Was this going too fast? I mean sure, I knew a lot about Niall, being a Directioner and all, but he barely knew me and already we were going on our first date. Were things going down the fast track called life, too fast? I pushed all of these thoughts away once I felt the hot water on my body come to a stop. I quickly got out of the shower, dried off, and stepped into my bath robe. I hadn't even gotten the door open halfway when Danielle and Tay had shoved all of the clothes and accessories in my face. They shut the door after throwing me and my clothes inside, obviously wanting me to change. So I did, and to be honest, I didn't look half bad. Kudos to those two girls for picking out the perfect outfit! It was a cute strapless light pink dress, pulled together with a light pink bow and sash around my thin waist. My nails were previously done, so they were a perfect beige color. To tie the look together, I had a few gold bracelets around my left wrist, along with a gold ring on my middle finger, a pink stone in the middle matching my dress. I slipped on the shoes that had been lying outside the doors, a cute pair of gladiators. I however had to find a purse to bring, so I picked out my favorite brown leather bag. I thought it made the look kind of vintage-y.

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