Chapter Eighteen

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-Month Later-

-Harry's POV-

Me and Louis had been together for a month and a couple days now, we were really happy together. I've been seeing that therapist once a week and Louis has been taking me there. The voices had only came back about seven times in the whole month which is a good thing. Louis didn't need to worry as much when he was working, I was at work again too. I was home alone right now, cooking a pasta bake. I was watching TV from the kitchen as I grated the cheese, I then poured it on top of the tomato covered pasta in the oven. I loaded the dishwasher then walked to the TV, sitting on the sofa. I had a text from Louis.

"I'm tired i want 2 come home :( xx"

"how long is your shift? xx"

"another 20 mins :( xx"

"lol are u supposed to be texting me? xx"

"nope ;) i'm in the backroom behind the foods. the same girl i saw the other day was flirting with me xx"

"who? a customer? xx"

"yes she's really awkward i wish u were here :( xx"

"u'll be home soon :) just keep working and ur shift will be over sooner xx"

"ok bye xx"

"bye! xx"

It was kind of a thing to put two kisses at the end of every text, even if we were mad at each other we always had too. I put my phone on the coffee table in front of me, I scrolled through the channels. Titanic was on, I did have a softer side and that was hard to believe. I looked at the clock and ran to the kitchen to stir the food, while I did I just scrolled through my phone. I dropped it on the counter, looking up at the clock. Louis should be on his way back, he shouldn't even by five minutes as his work was just down the road. I carried on stirring and cooking for a couple more minutes when I heard the door slam. "It's like a sauna out there!" I heard Louis shout. I chuckled. "What smells good?" Louis asked walking in the kitchen. "Can I stir?" he asked. I nodded handing him the spoon. 

"How is your dick boss?" I asked. Louis laughed.

"Being a dick as usual."

"Surprise, surprise," I commented. "Anyways what did you mean about that customer?" Louis stopped stirring and looked at me.

"There was a girl called Eleanor asked for my number, name, using terrible pick up lines," Louis chuckled.

"Too bad because your one hundred percent gay," I laughed. Louis smirked, laughing loudly.

"And a hundred percent yours."

" 'Sactly," I laughed. I walked over too Louis. "I think it's done," I told him grabbing two plates. Suddenly the doorbell rung. "I'll get it," Louis said, jogging up to the door.


Louis' POV


I jogged up to the door unlocking it. A man with grey-ish hair was at the door. "Hi, can I help you?" I asked. He gave me an awkward smile.

"Um... yeah. Does anyone called Harry live here?"

"Why, who are you?" I asked. He bit his lip.

"His dad."

Wait, Harry said his dad beat him up? "Wait there," I spoke. I jogged to Harry in the kitchen who was setting the table. "Harry," I said. He looked at me humming. "What does your dad look like?"

"Uh... grey hair, quite tall, a bit big. Why?" Harry said. I bit my lip. 

"He beat you up, didn't he?" I asked. Harry nodded slowly.

"Harry, your dad is at the door," I croaked. Harry gulped.

"Louis, this has to be a joke right?" Harry stuttered.

"No, Harry. Your dad is at the fucking door. He wants to see you," I spoke. Harry gulped. "Go up to our bedroom and lock the door, okay?" Harry nodded jogging up the stairs. When Harry was out of sight I walked up to the door.  "Hello. Can I see him or not?"

"He's not here right now. I don't know where he is," I chuckled. He looked at me confused.

"Are you sure? I heard him talking."

"Well he's not here." I shook my head.

"Okay. Can I come back later?" he asked. I nodded slowly and shut the door.

"Harry come down now"! I called. I heard him jog down the stairs.

"What did he want? How did he find me!?" Harry shouted.

"I don't know, but he wanted to see you."

Fifty Shades Of Fucked Up - Larry Stylinson (Book #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora