Chapter Six

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People are reading this holy shit. Thank youuu


Harry's POV


"Are they gone?" Liam asked referring to my head, the voices. I kept texting not listening to what he was saying.

"So i'll see u tomorrow?"

"yeh :)"

"okay well i gtg, me and my friend are watching a movie :)"

"ok byyee!"


"OI! Harry." I looked at Liam.

"Yes?" I asked casually ,like he hadn't been calling me for the past five minutes.

"You didn't answer my question!" Liam exclaimed  

"Sorry. Was texting"



"That's sweet. But answer my question!" he said getting annoyed.

"What question?"

"Are the voices gone?"

"Yeah. Haven't had them for a couple hours. Starting to think that medication is working..." I told him.

"Yeah, that's good. But if it is the illness won't go for a very long time overall," Liam explained. I shrugged slightly.

"It's kinda taken over my life," I sighed. Liam looked at me for a second before looking back down again

"No, it's made an impact on your life. You need... you need to learn to ignore them voices. Why do you listen to them?"

"L-Liam, if you had what I have then you'd understand. You get used to it then you start to listen to them up in your head. After a while the seem real, real like these people are up there telling you what to do," I explained. Liam sighed loudly.

"Life's hard," he said.

"Sure is," I agreed nodding.


Louis POV


It was Saturday evening at like 8:30, I couldn't be arsed to go shopping so I just ordered everything I needed offline. I laid back in my chair as I just finished texting Harry. I was... erm... attracted his looks but I didn't really know him as a person. He said he'd tell me what happened yesterday when I knew him better... What did that mean? Why couldn't he just tell me now so I would know. I lied to Harry, I'm not a social person. Like, I hate people but Harry's different, he understands a lot more than usual people do. I looked at my clock, it was 8:30 and I was already tired, Harry was coming over tomorrow and I didn't want to be a complete tired wreck. I turned the TV off sliding off the sofa and jogging to my pitch black bedroom. I turned the light on and saw Tiddles laid in my bed. I smiled at her as I slipped under the covers clutching her like a teddy bear. "G'night, Tidds," I said. She meow'd in reply. Then I fell asleep there.

Next Day

I was under the covers with Tiddles on my lap, I was teasing her with her cat toy. She meow'ed and I laughed at her as I threw the toy mouse on the floor for her to run after and rip apart. I started work again on Monday, but I'm getting that off as my family is coming down. I ripped the covers off me looking in my wardrobe. I picked out a black and white tank top, black skinny jeans and some Vans. When I got dressed, I made my way downstairs to make some cheesy toast. I put the bread in the toaster, put the cheese on the side and sat in the front room waiting for it to be cooked. I looked at my watch. "Ten-thirty?" I overslept? Had Harry already came? But then, coincidentally, the doorbell rung. I ran up to the door opening it to see Harry in black skinny jeans, a short sleeved black top and brown boots. I had to look up to him as he was rather tall. He was automatically greeted by my cat who rubbed her soft coat against his foot. He smiled down at the cat. "Tiddles! Get in!" I told her firmly. She trotted down on the soft carpet to play with her cat scratcher. "Come in, Harry."

"Thank you," he smiled warmly and walked into my small house, then the toaster went off. I rolled my eyes. "Wait there, do you want some cheesy toast?"

Harry nodded, smiling in reply. He walked over to the sofa as I walked out with a plate with four slices of cheesy toast was on. We both took two pieces and payed attention to the TV. "Thanks for coming over though," I said.

"No problem, my friend Liam just went home after he slept 'round anyway. I was lonely and bored really. Thanks for inviting me," he told me. I bit some of my toast.

"No problem Harold." I was going to ask why he ran out, and that "it wasn't me" encounter because I didn't get it. I'm not one to think it's anything major but on the other hand it could be very major. At times I caught myself staring at him, his eyes, his hair or even his lips. And other times I caught him staring at me, I didn't stop him though as it's nice to have a little bit off attention. "What shows do you like?" I asked.

"Towie and I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, they're only on during certain months and days though," he said. I nodded.

"Isn't that like a reality show?"

"A good one," he chuckled. "

I just watch... well whatever's on, really," I told him, he nodded.

"But if I don't like something I can't watch it," he said.


"Anyway, thanks for coming over."

"It's fine. I wanted to."

Fifty Shades Of Fucked Up - Larry Stylinson (Book #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora