Quality Time

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He kissed me softly. "ughh. Alright I'll go then. I know there's no way you can workout today haha"

-Excuse me, Mr.Anoa'i why are your hands so low young man.

"Shutup Dean I'm older than you!"

Dean scoffed. "7 months big whoop! ahaa. you ready to go?"

We walked to the main room and I sat as they packed their gym bags.

Seth: So Christie what are you going to do?

"I'm gonna stay in bed because I'm a little sore"

Dean/Seth: WOAAHH!!

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Roman: guys stop it. Making it seem like I'm a monster, it was her idea.

Dean/Seth: OOHHH!!

"alright that's all I can handle. You guys enjoy your workout" I limped to Dean and he laughed and hugged me

Dean: Don't let too many people see you squirt. That limp is bad

I limped to Seth and hugged him then to roman and gave him a quick kiss. When he whispered in my ear. "You don't even understand how much I love seeing that limp and how happy it makes me." I smiled and he slightly chuckled. I left the room and headed back to my room.

**F/F to The Shield @ the gym**

Roman P.O.V

"You guys are real now huh, that was a big step you two took last night" Seth told me.

"Yeah I know. But I'm glad, we took the break we needed and now I feel like we are stronger than ever"

Dean: So what now? Do you see this lasting till the end?

"At this point I say take it one day at a time. she has finally left her past in the past and I love her.

Dean/Seth: Aww RORO IS IN LOVE!!

"You guys are nerds, leave me alone haha"

We left the gym and headed out for lunch. "Hi, table for 3 please." I asked the worker and they led us to our table. We sat down and ordered.

Dean: Man Seth do you see how much he is glowing and smiling to himself

I turned my head and chuckled. "Hey, get off my back. On an unrelated note, how you guys thinking of spending our upcoming days off?"

Seth: I'm gonna go home, visit my parents. I haven't seen them in a while.

Dean: I'm gonna be back home too in Nevada. My friends are coming to vegas. gonna Party hard with my buds!!

"Uh oh! That's trouble haha anyway I was thinking of staying in tampa and relaxing. I'll wait for the week long break a couple months from now to go see my family."

Seth: that means the love birds are going to be all alone!!! OooOo

Dean: Well food is here, let's enjoy. I say we go around a bit in the town. Enjoy guy time.

We all nodded in agreement. It felt good to just be with my boys.

*Meanwhile with Christie*

"Yeah Jeff it went perfect! We are back and happier than ever"

I could see the smile on his face through the computer. "I'm very happy for you sky! Don't let any one ruin it this time. Especially yourself. Don't mess it up again"

(WWE) My Love or My Dream?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant