Every part of your body wanted him and it was hard to stop the fiery moment. It wasn't like you to just sleep with someone that fast. "Be safe." He said sternly. You nodded in response. "Dean. Are you ready?" Sam asked as he stepped into the room. Dean placed an enduring kiss upon your forehead making your eyes slid closed for a second before he stepped back.

Dean turned to his brother. "Yeah, let's hit the road." He answered and walked out the door. A sigh left your lips not wanting him to leave. Sam smirked as his brother left the room. "What?" You asked concerned about what he was smiling about.

"Oh, it's nothing." He answered battling to hide the smile. You stepped closer towards him and crossed your arms with an eyebrow raised. "I know it doesn't seem like I accept the fact that you two are a thing, just know that you two deserve each other." He said sincere.

A smile quickly grew upon your face and you pulled Sam into a tight hug. "Thank you, Sam." You said as you stepped back still smiling. Even though you still never knew where you stood with Dean, it felt good to hear that from Sam. He smiled back and nodded. "I'll see you soon." He said while placing one hand on your shoulder in a genuine gesture.

"Yeah, but Sam, keep an eye on Dean for me." He nodded and you walked out so he could lock up the room. They both got into the car and drove off while you stood there staring longing at their departure. A sigh left your lips and you began making your way back to your motel room.

It was warm out compare to the night before even though you had more clothes on. The sun beat against your bare skin and all you could think of was the heated moment you had with Dean. The experience was soon interrupted when you had the feeling as if you didn't walk alone. Cautiously, you placed your hand upon your gun ready to make your move.

You continued to walk like nothing, ready to get the person in surprise. In a swift notion you pulled your gun out while spinning around to meet your stalker. "Jesus Christ!" He exclaimed. He raised his hands in defence worried about your next move. After a few seconds of figuring out who he was, you shook your head and placed the gun back into the holster.

A sigh left his lips, relieved that you had decided to put it away. It was Richard from the rodeo and it just made you even more annoyed to how he knew where you were. "Don't do that! I could have shot you." You yelled.

He shrugged his shoulders impassive to your words. "But you didn't." He answered with a wink. The blood immediately started to boil and you were regretting not pulling the trigger. You took a step closer vexed as he tried to swallow the lump that formed in the back of his throat.

"Nobody likes a smart ass." You said deadpanned. He gulped and scratched the back of his head nervously. "Are you some kind of cop or something?" He questioned. It seemed as if the whole 'cool guy' was just an act because frankly he was just some pip - squeak with a body for show. "What do you want? And what are you doing here?" You questioned back without answering his.

It made you feel powerful by how terrified he was of you. He stuck his hand into his pocket, pulled out a piece of paper and handed you it. "What's this?" You asked while opening it.

' Larry's Pop and stop diner'

You shot him a perplexed look and he swallowed uneasy. "Carl will be there in an hour. Whenever he gets back from a trip he always goes there." He answered. You looked down to the paper one last time. The moment you looked up, he let out a gasp and looked at you wide eyed. "Hey, are you okay?" You queried concerned.

The blood spilled from his mouth instantly, he dropped to the floor lifeless and revealed the man who stood behind him. It was not just any ordinary guy, but an angel who worked for Metatron. He went by the name Gadreel, the same bastard who possessed Sam and killed Kevin. "Hello Jamie. " He spoke. In reaction you clenched your hands into a fist.

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