~ Chapter 29

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Hello amazing people. I hope you're all doing well. 

Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy. (-;

In the corner of your eye Dean had the syringe raised up and the vampire was on the floor which relieved you slightly. There was no point in killing him because you needed to find the nest. There was something more to it. The moment the bleeding started to subside, you pulled the cloth from it slowly to see there was more than just gunshot wound. "Dammit." you mumbled.

Danica lifted her head slowly to meet your gaze. "What?" she questioned. You were unresponsive while you examined the extra wound beside the bullet hole. Her shoulder had a few puncture marks and you knew exactly what happened. "Nothing." you answered uneasy. "Do you have a first aid anywhere?" The best thing to do was to get her mind off things while you tried to figure out a way to get her fixed up. She pointed to indicate where it was and Dean scattered off towards the bathroom to get it.

Dean got back within minutes with a box labelled 'First Aid'; he placed upon the table and hurried over to help you lift Danica.

He carried her bridal style and placed her on the nearest empty chair around the breakfast table as she let out a groan in agony. To you the chair wasn't the best place, all you wanted was for her to be comfortable but it was the first thing that came to mind.

Quickly you went around the kitchen to find a few things that may help with the pain. "See if there's any whiskey and a cloth to bite down on." he mentioned. This didn't sound good; it was horrible to see someone go through with that. The last time you got a shot while working a case with your father, it ended in way too many glasses of whiskey and you passing out a few times from the unbearable pain.

There was a half drunken whiskey bottle that caught your eye, you grabbed it and rushed over to get a cloth as Dean had said. "This is not looking good, Jamie." Dean said worried. Without a word, unable to even process what had just been said.

All you focused on was Danica and saving her life. The sweat from her forehead became visible as you placed the cloth inside her mouth and you glanced over at the whiskey then to Dean a little bewildered at why he wanted you to get it, if she doesn't even have the strength to drink it. "Why do we need the whiskey?" you questioned.

"The whiskey is for us." he answered with a smirk. At the point you had no time to send him back the smile that you had received but worry about getting the bullet out of her.

The hole was big enough to fit your finger inside but there was no use in stretching the wound so you looked into the box to find a pair of tweezers or something to push the bullet out. There was nothing but a pair of disposable gloves that caught your eyes, instantly you grabbed it without a second thought and placed them on.

"Dean, I need you to keep pressure on the wound so she doesn't bleed out while I try remove the bullet." you added in an anxious tone. Thankfully he didn't question and did what you had requested him to do when he walked over with the cloth in his hand.

You pulled another chair closer to get ready to remove it; in a joking manner Dean offered Danica and surprisingly not expecting her to have grabbed it straight from his hands anxiously.

Quickly she drank the whiskey to try block out the pain that caused her distress which just made you hesitate on doing it without hurting her. "Just do it." she muffled fretful. There's was no hesitation as you stuck your finger into the open wound to try and dig for the bullet that was launched into her skin.

Time went by as you tried your best to get a grip on the bullet; it took longer than you had planned due to the constant breaks that were taken to give her time to breathe without her passing out. Suddenly your vision went blurry, it became harder to see what you were doing but finally you had a grip on the bullet.

The Different//Supernatural Fanfic//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt