Chapter 21: Pheonix Rising

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We reached the castle well after the sun had risen. Just outside the town, we could tell things were not as it should be. There were the sounds of screams and crying. We could hear the ring of metal against metal. Morgana's troops were already here.

Glenstorm exchanged a look with the group, giving silent instructions. Gwendolyn, myself, and a faun were told to stay behind. They couldn't spare many men to stay with us. Besides, we'd be better off hiding than fighting. No one would endanger the girl like that.

Gwendolyn was surprisingly reluctant to leave the group and she squeezed my hand. However, when I confirmed I wasn't leaving, she relaxed. It was the safest move for her. The two of us would be under careful guard. However, I knew it would be a lie and I regretted lying to her as she probably wouldn't forgive me.

Kneeling down next to her, I was about to encourage her when I got an idea. It wasn't a very safe idea and I decided immediately against saying anything. However, something about my posture must've alerted Gwendolyn because she was about to ask something when Glenstorm spoke instead.
"What is it, Ana?" he asked.
"What?" I questioned, unsure what he was referring to.
"You had an idea. What is it?"
"Nothing..." I said quickly, not wanting to encourage the idea. It seemed everyone had noticed by then.
"Even the child can tell that's not true... So tell me," he pressed.
I sighed. "I just don't feel like you should leave her here. She's not leverage, but proof. Though it's dangerous to put her anywhere near Morgana... What if she was to follow after you? Just out of sight?"
"You want to put her in danger?" he asked, incredulously. It wasn't something normal for me and I knew they were concerned for my health at the mere mention of it.
"No! I wasn't going to even mention it. You asked! I was simply stating that if we followed after you take care of Morgana's troops, we'll have an advantage against her. She thinks she's still in control, but we have the one thing that could break her hold on Halwende."
"I don't like this..." Glenstorm said and many nodded in agreement.
"Neither do I," I affirmed with a sigh.

Not waiting for him to respond, I turned my attention back to Gwendolyn. She was looking at me with a look that was somewhere between admiration and concern. I wasn't sure why either, but said nothing on the matter. Instead I gently squeezed her arm before pushing her towards the faun. She sent me a small, timid smile in return.

After staying crouched for a moment longer, I slowly rose to my feet. The action had me feeling lightheaded and a little dizzy, but I guessed I managed to conceal it when no one asked any questions. I watched Glenstorm carefully approach Gwendolyn and the faun where the three had a quick discussion. There was a quiet conclusion with nodded heads. When the two finished, Glenstorm glanced at me and subtly nodded. I felt a little pleased at that.

"Are we ready?" Glenstorm announced to the group. I cleared my throat for attention and he huffed. "What is it now, Ana?"
"I was just wondering if your plan was to leave us unprotected while you fight..." I stated, gesturing to the fact I had no weapons or armor. "I mean, he can only do some much if a group escaped. I could help..."
There was a quiet murmur amongst the group and Glenstorm smiled. "You're right..." he waved another centaur forward and Trumpkin approached him.
"We had a hard time sneaking this out," Trumpkin told me as he took a blanket from the centaur. He unfolded the blanket to reveal a quiver and a bow.

I smiled gently and took it from him. My hand roamed over the feather fletching, and then the bow. It felt like it had been awhile since I held them. Though I disliked fighting, these were a part of me as I had used them many a times to save lives. I knew how to kill as well as heal and that made me dangerous.

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