Chapter 1: Unexpected Visitors

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Ana's Point-of-View

Two weeks earlier

"What exactly are we doing here again, Ana?" Reepicheep asked out of annoyance. It was his second patrol of the area in a matter of days and the Mouse would've preferred some action over a standard patrol.
Ana held back a smile at the Chief Mouse's comment. "There have been reports of bandits or mercenaries near the border. The King has asked us to investigate."

The small party was nearing Narnia's border. The mountains that separated their Kingdom from Archenland were almost directly to their left. Caspian was worried that Calormenes were testing the borders and asked Ana to investigate. She had then selected a few of their best warriors to come along with her. The group included some Narnians—General Glenstorm, Trumpkin, Reepicheep, and a few of his mice, Anviel the Minotaur—and a few Telmarines, one of which was their newly appointed General, Thaddeus. He replaced General Glozelle and was selected due to his respect and care towards the Narnians. Those of them who rode horses had abandoned them further back to graze, as the group investigated.

"You know he doesn't like it when you use his titles," Reepicheep replied with a smirk.
"Well, His Majesty is not here," Ana said, emphasizing the title just to tease the Mouse. "And what he doesn't know, won't hurt him."
"As long we don't tell him..." Trumpkin piped up. Ana rolled her eyes at the Dwarf.

There was quiet snickering among the group and Ama couldn't help but smile. The two would take any opportunity they could to tease her—or anyone who could handle it. Suddenly, a twig snapped and everyone fell quiet and grew serious. After a quick check to ensure it was no one in their company, they moved to hide behind trees or in the bushes. In Ana's case, she quickly scaled a tree to give her a better advantage and view. She gestured to the others to be silent and wait for her signal before moving in.

The woods fell quiet. Birds quit their chirping as if they knew something was afoul. It told everyone that someone—or something—was approaching. From her vantage, Ana noticed figures moving quickly through the trees, heading straight towards them. Then she heard voices, alerting most of the others that someone was coming. Ana nocked an arrow on her bow, which signaled everyone else to prepare for an attack. She heard the familiar ring of swords leaving their scabbards. They hoped this group was the bandits they had been looking for so they could finally put an end to their pillaging. But they wouldn't rush to judgment.

When the group came into view, they were not who Ana expected. They didn't appear to be bandits, causing her to frown as she observed them. Six men emerged from the trees. Five of them were clad in armour and carried themselves like nobility. All but one had swords tucked away at their waist. One man was tall and no doubt strong. His sword was much larger than the others. Two of them were similar in stature, but one had darker hair and appeared more rugged than the others. The fourth was a man of darker complexion and was holding his left arm as if it had been injured. There was a man with short blonde hair and he appeared to be the leader of the six. He was the one who was still brandishing his sword.

But the sixth man... He stood out from the others and drew Ana's attention almost immediately. The last one was smaller in frame than the others and he wore no armour. Instead, he was dressed in simple trousers and a red shirt. The man also wore a blue neckerchief around his neck. He appeared to be of lower standing than the others. He didn't quite fit in with the rest of them. Still, there was something about him. Something she couldn't quite figure out.

They were all out of breath and came to a halt when they reached the edge of the trees. The presumed leader stabbed his sword into the ground and looked around, catching his breath. The others put their hands on their knees as they also tried to get their bearings. It appeared they had been running for a while, leading Ana to conclude they had been chased. Presumably by the men they had been sent to find.

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