Chapter 14: In the Hands of the Enemy

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With all the questions running through Merlin's head, he had to stop. He had almost started panicking when he realized Ana was missing. She was his only hope of figuring out who was behind the threat. But now she was gone. And that wasn't a good thing. Whatever the reasoning was, every possibility Merlin concluded was negative. Ana's continued absence gave the traitor more leeway. But it also meant that Ana was somewhere she couldn't interfere with the plans. She may not even still be alive.

Distraught, he approached the only prisoner in the cells: General Thaddeus. He was still in the same position Merlin had last seen him, or at least it looked that way. The General might have moved around since Merlin used his magic on him but he was still sprawled in the middle of the cell floor. Both Kings were up and moving around so that meant the General should have been too. Unless something else had befallen him

Merlin approached the bars and whispered. "Hello?" The General didn't react, but he continued nonetheless. "I know you're awake... Ana had said you were poisoned... She got the cure for King Caspian. Knowing that there's no way she wouldn't have given it to you. Arthur was poisoned too... She knew no one would allow her to administer it to him, so she broke in and gave it to me. I know it works. And I know she's innocent. You can trust me. Please... I just... I just needed to speak with her. But she's gone and I'm worried something has happened to her." Still no reaction and Merlin sighed, defeated. "This is all my fault..."

Suddenly General Thaddeus was moving. He was swiftly on his feet, approaching the bars. It confirmed what Merlin knew: he was cured. But why was he pretending otherwise? "How could this possibly be your fault?" he asked in a soft voice, surprising Merlin.
"She... She distracted the Knights for me. Ran off into the night. I thought she had gotten away. Then Amari overheard two of your men say she got arrested. But it hasn't been announced and I wanted to see for myself. She's not here though... D-did she escape?" He tried to sound hopeful, but he already assumed the worst.

The General's face fell. He seemed distraught, almost crestfallen at the news. But there was something in his eyes... Anger, determination maybe? "I'm afraid you heard correctly. And you are not to blame for what happened. That falls solely on myself and what that scoundrel has done..." Merlin frowned but did not speak. "When I awoke a few hours ago, I found the note she left me... She informed me of everything that had transpired. Getting accused of treason, looking for a cure. Even told me to pretend the poison had killed me so she could figure things out. If they thought I was dead, they wouldn't have to worry about me interfering or trying to kill me again. I planned on doing as she suggested, at least for a little while. But—"
"You realized she was here?" Merlin surmised.
The General frowned but nodded in confirmation. "Right there." He gestured to the cell left of him. "Even then she begged me to do nothing. No matter what happened, I was supposed to pretend I was dead."
"That's why you didn't move when I first approached..." Merlin realized.
Again, he nodded. "Ana mentioned nothing about trusting you, but I won't have you blaming yourself for what has happened. Besides... I can tell you're genuinely worried about her." General Thaddeus sighed and continued his explanation. "I tried to reason with her, telling her there had to be a better option. When Ana realized I wouldn't budge on my stance, she struck up a deal with me. She asked me to wait just two days. If I hadn't heard from her by then, I could drop the facade. Though I don't know what she planned to do in the dungeons." The last part was said mostly to himself, but Merlin heard it.
"You'd still have to wait two and half days more..."
"Yes... But I never planned to wait that long. The problem is... I may have issues getting the guards to free me without putting Ana in danger. They shortly returned after we agreed—only and hour or two after sunrise—and I had no choice but to do as she asked. No one would look that close for symptoms so I could only listen as she was taken away. She demanded to see King Caspian and if she hasn't been put before the court, I have no idea where she is now... I can only hope she escaped, but knowing Ana she wouldn't."
Merlin frowned. "Who sent Ana down here? Who would have the authority to keep you locked up if your King was ill?"
The General pursed his lips. "Why?"
"I need to protect my King. They targeted him as well. But I can't do that if I don't know who I need to protect him from."
"I shouldn't... It's not safe for you. Just like it wasn't safe for Ana."
"Please?" Merlin pleaded.
He sighed. "There is only one I can think of... But his motives for doing such a thing are lost to me. My gut tells me Halwende shouldn't be trusted. And it's rarely wrong. You'll need help from the Narnians. They are the ones who can get you the information you seek without getting caught. General Glenstorm has been tasked with a mission outside the castle, so you'll have to find the few that remain hidden inside. They may be able to tell you what happened to Ana."

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