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michael pov:

we're in hawaii on the little islsnd again and the best thing is, it hasn't changed and people don't bother us, we can be a normal family and the children don't have to wear masks which I'm happy about I hate them having to wear masks especially in the summer where it gets hot and sweaty under them. It's mid afternoon and we decided to go and visit the beach.

"daddy let's make a beach neverland" prince asked whilst digging the sand, oh boy this is going to be tough but we can do it, I sit next to prince and we begin on our beach neverland. paris is making a sand angel and emily is helping blanket make a simple sand castle. 3 hours later we're done our very own beach neverland is complete and it looks really good, emily snapped a few pictures of it then took a picture of paris horse, it was very good I'm proud if her the detail is fantastic. blanket thought it was more fun to cover himself in sand instead of making things in the sand but it's still good I liked his elvis sand hair. we head back to the suite to change and head out for dinner.

emily pov:

the kids was loving it in hawaii, they can go around with no masks and not have to keep a look out for hidden paparazzi. we took them to swim with dolphins today and it was magnificent the look on their faces warmed my heart up. after we swam with the dolphins paris wanted her nails done so I took her to the salon after we got a new change of clothes on. paris is excited she's always wanted to go to a salon with me but never could because of the media but I'm happy that I can do this with her. my little princess is growing up I remember her being a couple of months old and now she's 7 years old. after 20mins she's picked the purple starry nail design.


"yes hunny?"

"when we go home can we decorate my bedroom?"

"of course what do you want?" she takes a deep breath, I got a feeling this is going to be a long speech starting in 3,2,1

"dark purple and that bright striking cyan blue walls, and I want my walls to be to have daddy's posters except one wall that's the family wall which will have our names and hand prints in red. I want all of my dolls of daddy and figures on shelfs and a white fairy bed with pink rose string lights on it and a white desk with my copies of daddy's records on it. and I want above my bed a big picture of us all and possibly in the corner of the room a little table with a hamster cage on it but the hamster can wait cause it's on my Christmas list"

well that wasn't as long as I expected but it was still long. "ok I'll speak to your farther later about it" she lets out a bright smile.

michael pov:

I take prince and blanket to the park, I was shocked that prince wanted to visit here but it's what he wanted. I watched him climb the monkey bars and I just couldn't believe that my little first born is now not so little and is 8 years old. I was pushing blanket in the swing then prince came and got on the swing next to blanket

"dad what's it like making your videos?"

"it's fun but can be hard at times"

"do you get to help direct it?"

"sometimes" he smiles "so being a movie director would be hard?"

"I think it would be hard at times but in the end it's worth it"

"so I could be a movie director?"

"you can be anything you want"

"blanket be Patrick" blanket said, he likes Patrick off spongebob, me and princd giggles

"you can be anything you want too blanket" prince says to blanket and he smiles.

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