Chapter 11- Say what?

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Lights were shinning in my eyes, in the distance I could see hear the we-woo of the police cars. Strange people were calling out things, murmuring about my car crash.

I could faintly hear things like.

“Who is she?”

“Is she ok?”

“What happened here?”

I tried to open my eyes, but everything was bleary. I could see people behind a yellow tape line. But I couldn’t tell if they were male or female, adult or child. A loud and obvious beeping noise brought me to closer near me. I was being moved on a stretcher to the big red ambulance. A big breather was put over my mouth by someone, a new thing of clean oxygen filled my nose and mouth.

Plastic gloved hands were taking hold of my arms and shoulders. I could barely feel it the rest of my body was numb. Not numb when you stay in the cold ocean to long or when you drop your ice cream on yourself numb. This numb was ten times worse than when you sat on your foot for about an hour or two. What made it worse was that it was all over. I felt like the floating cat head in Alison Wonderland.

The numbness was spreading to even my head now. It was getting terribly hard to keep my eyes open. The next thing I know some doctor is shaking me.

“Stay with me kid. Come on! Don’t close your eyes!”

As much as I wanted to follow the doctors’ orders and open my lids, I couldn’t.

I could feel me slipping away, then the darkness of before surrounded me once more. The last thing I thought before being dragged into the unknown was, Gary is so paying my bills for this!

*Certain number of hours later*

What the heck!

 Wow I have never had a headache quite like this one. It was like a big man was jumping up and down on my forehead, as if it was a bouncy house. Now you would understand how uncomfortable and hurtful that would be.  God the room was dark, where am I?

Last thing I remember was finding that good for nothing cheating jerk Gary with that cold hearted witch Tammie. Then I went to my car and started to cry, before heading out of the driveway. After that it was all bleary. I should probably get up from where I was laying and turn on the lights.

What the h……?!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I tried again and failed. Why can’t I move, now I think of it, I can’t feel my legs at all, or the rest of my body for that matter.  I wanted to cry so badly, but no tears came. my body being on movable made it pretty hard.

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