Chapter 4- Mystery in the most unlikely places

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“I’ll get it” I scream into the empty house, well besides Kyle.

“Kyle when I get that, start the oven. Don’t burn down the house!” I order with a hint of joking.

“One time and I’m ruined for life!” Kyle shoots back with even more of joking, well I hope!

I laugh as I open the door. But it all dies out as I see what’s behind the door.


 I feel the cold round knob under my hand. I’m still laughing from what Kyle had said. The door then swings open and in front of me lays a stack of red roses.

“Rose’s?” the air is heavy with questions unanswered.

When I was strolling to the door I was expecting a mailman or maybe the ups girl. I would probably think of an army of zombies on the other side of the door, before this.

“Hey! Alex, what do I turn the oven-. What is that?” Kyle’s voice enters from around the corner asking the obvious duh question. His voice wasn’t full of worry but more of surprise.

I turn around slowly and face him. He has on almost the same expression as me, confused and bewildered. For a few seconds my head fly’s back and forth between the flowers and Kyle. I briefly think I’m going to get whiplash from doing this.

For the first time I noticed that with the door was still opened and the cool summer breeze was going to turn the room cold. I slammed the door; it was starting to get weird.   I know what you think, it’s just flowers. But you must understand I never get gifts like this. You know I may get CDs or gift cards to buy things like CDs.  But nothing so nice, so thoughtful or romantic. I’m interrupted from my thoughts when I hear.

“Is there a good reason why there is like a million roses on your front steps? Because I’m lost!”

I couldn’t help It’s, I just stared at the now closed door. My face was probably blank with no trace of life.

“That’s FREAKY!” I turned on my heels and was now facing Kyle who was unfazed about the fact that I yelled in his face.

 All of a sudden I felt really dumb. It’s a pile of roses not a bomb. Gosh it started to come at me fast. We were really being idiotic.

“Kyle, what are we doing its roses?”

It must have struck him as well. Wow were not four anymore, we can’t be scared about stuff like this.

Without breaking eye contact with Kyle, my shaky hand went forward and turned the golden knob.

   Opening the door I revealed the same odd picture as before. This time instead of slamming the door and making myself look stupid, I picked them up and cradled them in my arms. I was careful not to crush the delicate petals or have the thorns prick my arms.

“Does it say who it’s from?” Kyle asked without taking his eyes off me, probably watching in case I go nuts again.

I turn them a couple of times in my hands, looking for any sign or note, but there wasn’t one.

Then another voice broke into the mysterious adventure, one that made my knees weak.

“Babe, will you for give me? I know these are your favorite.”    

My head swung around making my blond hair mush everywhere on my face. After brushing my hair with my fingers I finally saw him, his dark black hair with perfect even skin. He was leaning on the side of my house, his leather jacket was wrinkled.  

I then was able to choke out his name after a couple of tries and only stuttering.


This was a filler chapter, it was shorter than any I have ever written. I was thinking next time I should write in Kyle’s point of view. I also want everyone to know that I’ll be getting to the actual story line soon. So stay with me here.

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Love you all

Loryn <3

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