Chapter 13- Thank god were in a hospital already

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What is Kyle saying?

His words were foreign to my ears.


He probably meant, like, friend love, right?

Why am I being so questionable of course he means like friends.

 We have known on another since diapers. Ever since that day during nap time, I recall it like it was only yesterday. We were both in the same kindergarten class and out of the whole class we were the ones that didn’t sleep during nap time. I remember the teacher holding us in each arm; her warm green sweater was comforting but did no help. I believe her name was Mrs. Johnson; she was around her early thirty’s, soft blond hair and happy blue eyes. I hated to say it but we messed her up. She spent sleepless nights trying to figure out how to put us to bed. She gave us warm milk, sang, and she even read another thing of books to us. It was pathetic; nothing she did would ever put us to bed. Finally she gave up and put us alone in the next room to play while the other kids slept. The room was all white with a single crate of blocks in the center. It was a prison for us, nothing but a single wooden box of blocks. But we were smart; our best toy was our imagination. For the rest of the year the two of us built bridges, homes, and castles. We taught one another how to do things, he taught me how to burp the alphabet and I taught him how to get out of eating yucky dinner foods. 

One day, just near the end of the school year we had exhausted each and every game. So one that particular spring afternoon we sat by the open window and made shapes out of the circled clouds.

‘Kyle?’ I had asked


‘Next year will you be my friend again?’ I remember being really nervous by asking this question. I was afraid that he would turn around and laugh at me.

Tears started to roll down my face as he did in fact start to laugh.

Instead though of making fun of me, he grabbed my small hand in his and softly made circles in my hand with his thumb. Shocked and surprised I waited for his next move while my mouth hanging open.

‘You don’t need to be worried! We will be friends forever and ever!’

That was the first time he shot me that amazing award winning smile.  Those words stuck in my mind for years.

 So now you know why we can’t just jump into some silly relationship, it would ruin our friendship.

Yup, those were the good days, when the blocks were colorful and the friends were just friends.

But I dated Gary and we knew each other the same amount of time.

And look how that turned out!

Again my inner thoughts are mean to me. But they have a point.

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