Chapter 1- Party animal

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“Holy …” Jesus! I sat up in my bed quickly, wait this is my bed right. I franticly ran my arms everywhere trying to find something that looked like my room. I let out a sigh of relief when I clenched my pink spread. “Oh thank god!” I almost had a panic attach when my shades where drawn making the room look different.  Why do I even go to those stupid parties’? Last night i kind of sutra have a memory about going to Tom McLain’s party last night. The place had neon blue and green lights that made it look like a underwater club. I had taken one of my friends Laura by the hand and dragged her to the punch table. We were squealing like three year olds as we finally made it over.  Like usual I scanned the room for any cute guys. “Any hottys?” I heard Laura ask while like me she scanned the crowed of pumped up teenagers. I bent down and picked up a red plastic cup and filled it to the rim of punch. After taking on long sip tasting the familiar fruity flavor that made me lick my lips, I looked up again.” Nah….. Oh wait no, I spoke to soon. I pointed to hot older guy who was walking are way looking straight at the bowl. man and their food. He wasn’t bad to look at, his dark brown hair made his light blue eyes pop out. He had blood red lips that sooo made me wish I didn’t have a boyfriend. Yeah that’s right I’m here looking for cute boys to dance with while I had a boyfriend. Gary isn’t bad, he’s actually really hot but it’s not like were married or that I’m cheating on him, I’m just looking for a partner to dance with. Were just easy kinds of relationship, as long as I don’t kiss a boy or he kisses a girl, were fine? As soon as he strolled to the over food filled table I purred out” soooo what do you say you and me dance?” At first he didn’t reply just looked at me. So I narrowed my eyes and threw my hands over his head, slowly. Not stopping until I made him shiver from my touch. I laughed a little then took the stranger by the hand a dragged him onto the dance floor, swaying my hips to the music so he doesn’t want to leave. I screamed when my fav song came on. The boy smiled as I started to sing of tune to Justin Bebeer Baby.

You know you love me, I know you care

 Just shout whenever, and I'll be there

 You are my love, you are my heart

 And we will never ever ever be apart

Are we an item? Girl, quit playing

 We're just friends, what are you saying?

 Say there's another and look right in my eyes

 My first love broke my heart for the first time

 And I was like...

    Just when it got to the good part of the song I felt my stomach start to get warm. I started to panic as my tan hands came up to my mouth to keep me from throwing up on the cute guys blue shirt. Frustrated I started to wildly look for any sign of a bathroom or a garbage can. I ran quickly down a dark hallway. I could faintly hear as the cute guy called after me “hey you, um, girl?! What did I do? WHATEVER” Not caring to stop I ran and opened the first door on my right. It was some kind of pink bedroom. I wondered quickly if the owner of the house had a baby sister. Then I remember I was on the urrg of burfing on my new orange mini skirt. Luckily the second door I opened was a bathroom. I almost took a second to thank god that he blessed me with a toilet. I know how weird is that? But I was starting to think I was going to embarrass myself my throwing up in the middle of everyone. “ ohhhhhh” a moan escaped my lips. I lent my head down as soon as I could and threw up not only today’s food but probably a lung. Finally taking a second in between barfs I rested my head on the toilet seat. I remember the last thing I thought was, “is that cute guy waiting for me?”

As the memories started to get all fuzzy I still can’t remember how I got home. “ omg, did I drive home?” I wisped to myself; I felt my eyes go wide. No, no I wouldn’t drive; no matter how out of it I was I wouldn’t drive? OH but why in my brain did my voice sound like a question.

“No worries Al, I drove you home” came a deep and filmier voice from the corner of my room.

“ahhhhhhhhh”   I threw my left hand over my chest trying to calm myself down, shhes it’s not like I’m having a heart attack.

“Hey hey hey” came the voice again, the voice was trying to sooth me, and surprisingly it did.

“it’s just me Kyle”

I let out a sigh of relief as my best friend in the whole wide world came over and sat on my bed. His light brown hair fell just right over his misty green eyes. I swear with one glimpse you could get lost in them.

“Did I scare you Alex”

Kyle asked just dripping in mishious as he teased me. His big warm hands were now brushing a loes piece of my red hair away from my face.  Although he was teasing me for some reason I could tell in his eyes that he was in fact slightly concern for my wellbeing.

“No,” I stuttered not wanting him to no I had a mild heart attack. “Do you care?” I asked playfully. The question took him back for a second. Then the same old player smirk grew on his face.

“no, why do you want me to care?” he lent down. His eyes showed playfulness. His warm and minty breath on my ear sent shivers up my spine. My voice became ragged and out of rhythm. Geez why I’m I doing this, I never feel nervous with Kyle. I’m guessing he’s a mind reader because after thinking this his smirk just grew till it reached both ears. “So you’re asking me if I care about you….. While you’re in bed?”

My mouth grew into a wide circle as his words replayed in my mind. And my blue eyes probably just busted out of their sockets in sudden understanding.

“You- are – such …….. An idoit” this just made him laugh more. I sat up on my knees and repeatedly hit him on the head with a pillow.

“Your horrible” I screamed as a grin was placed on my face.

“ I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!” Kyle was lying on the floor holding his stomach trying to breathe. His face was bright red as he laughs out of control. Looking at his face made me want to laugh. Then before I knew it I was lying right next to him. We were always like this. No wonder he’s my best friend. I should be in a horrible mood, but with him I never am. I love my best friend. He really is the best. Yes times like this makes me wonder, why me, what did I do to get the perfect life. Then my cell phone started to ring.      

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