Sobs and Betrayal

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Note- mild violence later on in the chapter.
Day 1:
Lance didn't remember much about being kidnapped. Everything seemed unreal to him. I mean, him? Taken by the Galra? No way!

Yes way.
He had somehow managed to get knocked out whilst being marched into the Galra's ship, so things were understandably hazy. All he remembered was whispering (if you could call it that, more like alien growling) and the long twist of hallway after hallway until he was shut inside one of the many doorways throughout the ship.

After that, Lance had fallen unconscious once more. How exciting.

Hours later, Lance was finally awake, and could take in his surroundings. The "room" (*cough cough* cage) was rectangular and cramped. The walls were made of metal, as was the bed (If you'd call a solid square of metal a bed) which his legs and wrists were strapped to. Blue stood perched and lifeless in the corner, but Lance was too exhausted (despite sleeping for hours and hours) to speak to her.

Lance couldn't imagine what was going to happen to him, and more importantly, what was going to happen to his team?

He didn't have much time to dwell on his thoughts however, when two Galra aliens entered his room.

"W-what do you want with me?" Lance questions, rather hoarsely due to lack of speaking.
"Nothing much, you foul earthling. Just information," the alien witch (who he later hears is called Hagger) started, walking closer and closer every word. "We just require information. For example-" she pulled Lance up by the collar "where are the other, the better, paladins?"
Keith remembered everything about Lance's kidnapping. After breaking the news to the team, they had all practically broken down. Sure he was annoying, but they didn't realize quite how boring life was without him.

All of them had been up all night, encouraging Pidge to keep looking for the missing paladin. But no matter how late they stayed up, there was no way to track the Galra ships. Even more unsettling then that, Lance's helmet had returned to the castle/ship early that morning with a note in sloppy, wide handwriting.

Paladins of Voltron,
If you wish to keep the Blue lion and its rider in one piece, you will do what this note says.
Do not come looking for your precious teammate, or we will be forced to kill him.

The note ended there, which was strange in itself. Either the Galra had wrote it that way on purpose, or part of it was cut off. Nevertheless, the note scared  them, but there was no way they could stop searching. They just had to be particularly careful about how they proceeded.

Currently, they were all sitting at the big table, eating bowls of everyone's favorite space goo. It was all too strange without Lance cracking jokes or flirting with Allura (and of course trying to get Keith's attention but Keith is hecka oblivious) that the conversation was kept entirely limited, and everyone wore solemn expressions.

There was one question that kept flitting through everyone's minds.
Would they even be able to save Lance?
"I'll repeat this one more time. Where are the other paladins?"
Lance gulped slightly squirming under the witch's grasp.
"L-look lady. I have no idea. Even if I did, do you think I'd tell an ugly hag like you?"

Hagger let go of him quickly, eyes flashing in anger. She nodded to the other alien dude, who then pressed a button on the wall that revealed a screen directly in Lance's line of vision.

Lance had gasped when he saw the footage on the screen. There was his team, laughing, smiling, looking completely normal.
Did they not miss him? Were they not looking for him? They would have to at least come for Blue, right? Right?

The Keith on the screen spoke-
"Isn't this whole 'space hero' thing so much easier without Lance? Man, it's never been this quiet with him here!"

Lance felt his heart break directly in half. There was a dull pain in the back of his head, and voices whispered in his mind, saying This is not right. They would never say that. Keith could never say that.
But deep down, Lance agreed. He was the seventh wheel. The least valuable player. Voltron would be better off without him after all.

The screen spoke once more- this time it was Hunk.
"Gosh, I'm so glad he's gone. We can actually get work done now!" They all started laughing at this, and Lance's heart dropped even more.

The video continued, and even Shiro had said that they would be better off without him. Lance was starting to believe it even more.

Only when the video came to an end did Lance realize he was crying. Tears cascaded down his cheeks wildly, leaving behind messy tear-tracks.

"Care to give us more information now?" The second Galra alien finally spoke up.
Lance swallowed. He was disappointed in himself. From that point on, he decided he would never break down in front of the enemy again.
"I. Am. Never. Ever. Going. To. Tell. You. Idiots. Anything." He said through clenched teeth.

Haggers face slowly formed into an ugly, lopsided smile, showing rotten teeth and bits of food for Lance to see.
"Have it your way then."

A blast of magic hit Lance so forcefully, that his ties to the table had come off. He had no time to be thankful for this however, when another blast hit him.

Lance felt as if his mind was splitting apart. White hot pain erupted from his toes up to his head, and more tears were falling from his face.
"I.... I am never, n-never telling you anything!" Lance gasped through the pain, which began to come down even worse then before, making him feel as if someone was repeatedly stabbing him with no mercy.
Minutes later, everything faded, leaving a dull pain to reside in the back of Lance's head.

"I'm giving you one last chance," the witch began "tell us now!"
Lance wasn't sure what she had said. His head was cloudy, his eyes were blocked with tears, and was the world supposed to be spinning?
"N-no." Lance whispered quietly, waiting for the blow of magic to come once more.

It never came.
"We'll see if you're so inclined tomorrow then. Horrible dreams, young paladin."
The door closed behind the two aliens, leaving Lance to himself.

Once they were completely out of sight, Lance allowed himself to fully break down. He pulled his knees up to his chest as if they were his only support, and then he started sobbing, hard.

The last thing Lance heard before finally falling unconscious were the loud wails of sadness and of loneliness emitting from his body.
A/N- Heyyyyy guyssss! I present to you all- chapter 2!
Yes, my poor baby Lance is going through a hard time. This is my first time writing anything as angst-filled as this, so I'm sorry if it's not as realistic as it should be. This kind of topic is entirely new to me, but I hope you enjoyed! (Well enjoyed as much as you can enjoy torture anyway...)
Comment, vote, and let me know what you thought!
See ya next time for even more langst :))

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