S, is for the simple need. E, is for the ecstasy. X, is just to mark the spot. (=SEX=) Part 11

Start from the beginning

But I already knew it wasn't going to be okay. When Ashlee said on the phone that it will be just like old times, I already k new things can never go back to the way they were. Ashlee didn't know how Alex had hurt me emotionally because I had never told her. I felt too insecure to tell anyone. Peirce and I have been going out for 5 months, Alex left 8 months ago.

You may think that if I was really heartbroken I wouldn't have already been in another relationship. I wouldn't have been if Peirce hadn't found me crying. One day at school someone had mentioned Alex and asked me how he was going because he thought we were still together. I ran out of the class room and went and cried in one of the empty hallways. Well I thought the hallway was empty, turns out it wasn't because Peirce was there, and he came and comforted me because he knew what had happened. I felt secure being around him and from that day on we had ended up getting to know each other better. Then he asked me out one day and I said yes. But I realize my mistakes now....

"Is he living with you?" I questioned Peirce curiously.

"Nope, I didn't even know he was coming back" He said and I could hear that he was a curious as I was.

"I wonder who his mum is with then" I said and instantly felt Peirce tense up. I knew it was a touchy subject but I couldn't help but ask.

Peirce mumbled something but I couldn't hear what he said.

"Sorry" I quickly said, not wanting him to get mad at me.

I wanted to be there for him, I have told him numerous times that he could talk to me about anything, but he never does. It saddens me sometimes to think that he doesn't have trust in me when I tell him everything.....almost everything.

My mind was still having battles with each other on whether or not to tell Peirce about Jackson. The guilt I was carrying was heavy but I don't know how he would react and the thought of it scared me!

"I can tell you anything...right?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah..." He trailed suspiciously.

"If I wanted to tell you anything about me, would you get angry?" I questioned and I could feel my heart beat faster and faster.

"Where is this heading?" Peirce asked and I could feel his body tense.

"I just wanted to know that you are there for me" I said really fast. I guess I chickened out at the last minute, but the thing is it's not the last minute. He doesn't seem like he's going to let me go which means I will have plenty of time to carry the guilt around...

"You scared me for a minute, I thought you were going to tell me that you cheated on me or something" He said with a laugh.

"I would never cheat on you" I said with a nervous laugh, I lied to him and it's not the first time. More guilt added to what I already had.

My phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ashlee asked happily.

"Not much" I replied.

"Do you want come over?" She asked.

"Yeah, that will be cool, I think we need to talk about...umm...stuff" I answered referring to Alex. I didn't want to mention it in front of Peirce.

"Okay I'll see you soon" Ashlee said and I could hear the giddiness in her tone.

"Yep" I said while hanging up.

"Who was that?" Peirce asked protectively.

"Ashlee" I answered with a 'duh' look.

"And...?" He asked.

"I'm going to go see her" I replied.

"Why? What do you need to talk about?" Peirce asked. It was getting annoying! What's with the 20 questions?

"Girl stuff...she's having some...problems" I lied.

"Oh okay" He said sadly.

"Look I'm not ditching you" I said with a laugh. "You can go hang out with Zane, it might be good for yous to spend some guy time together"

"Okay" he said while smiling and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "Have fun" Peirce said while walking out of the room.

I went to my wardrobe and changed into a pair of denim short-shorts and a black, long-sleeve, shirt. I still had bruises on my back, near my shoulders so I couldn't wear a tank-top.

After arguing with Peirce on who was dropping me off at Ashlee's I finally agreed that he could take me. He was being too over protective and was worrying over what I was wearing and if I was really going to Ashlee's or not. In the end, I agreed to let Peirce drop me off.

"Hi" I said happily to Ashlee as she answered the door.

"Hi" She said while giving me a friendly hug.

"So what's the deal with Alex?" I asked while we went and sat in the lounge room.

"He's changed" Ashlee answered.

"I don't care, you know what he did to me...I can't forgive him" I said sadly. Every guy I go out with seems to hurt me in some way.

"It may seem impossible to forgive him but Alex really has changed, I saw him today...he came over" She said quietly.

"He c-came over?" I stuttered. Somewhere in my mind I wanted to believe that he really hadn't returned.

"Yeah..." She trailed wearily.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He mainly wanted to talk to you" Ash replied.

"Me?" I asked astonished.

"Yes you" She said with a laugh.

"Just the person I was waiting to see" I heard Alex's voice behind me.

As if my day couldn't get any worse!

S, is for the simple need. E, is for the ecstacy. X, is just to mark the spot.Where stories live. Discover now