The 'Uh oh' Pt. 1

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Heeeyyyy! Guess who's back? Me! Haha! Anyway: Italics = thinking not saying
That is all for now enjoy!


*Jack's P.O.V*

This is bad! Very. Very. Bad. I ran through the woods. Panting and sweating through the dark forest. I can hear it... its catching up!! Then, ad I turned to look at it, SMACK! Everything went black...

*6 hours earlier*

I was in the park, watching the kids play in the snow and enjoying their laughter. No memories have surfaced since the sand dogs but... it hasn't been too eventful either. I've been quiet, the Guardians tell me, 'Too quiet' they add with an odd look.

Am I usually not quiet? Do I yell? Laugh? Talk? They don't say... I think they just stop giving me so much information when I ask or they think they shouldn't push me. But I don't blame them... its stressful when the kids push me so its best not to.

The laughter was muffled when i felt this seering pain on the side of my head. I faintly felt myself hitting the ground and when I regained my composure, albiet still on the ground, I heard gasping.

I looked to my left and saw three kids staring at me. I stood up with my hand on my head. "Uuhh..." the tall boy said. There was a tall boy, a shorter boy and a girl. "What was that for?!" I shouted, causing them to jump in surprise.

"W- what are you?" The short boy asked. I gave him a 'Wtf' look. "Uh, a human? Why did you throw something at me?" I replied. The girl stepped forward and faced the boys. "I told you! He's human!" She shouted at them, a small smirk flashed on my face for a minute.

She turned back to me and walked closer. "I'm sorry about those idiots, my name's Kory!" She smiled. I smiled back, "Jack" I introduced. "Nice to meet ya! That rock looked like it hit you hard... wouldn't blame it, was shot from a slingshot." She looked at the boys angrilly.

I just stood there, not sure what to say. "Can I take a look? Don't wanna leave you with a big dent..." she said with a slightly concerned face. I nodded slightly. Since I was fairly- no a lot taller than her, I knelt down. She gently pulled my hand away from my head and hissed.

"What?" I asked in slight concern. "It looks pretty bad... made a good sized cut and its bleeding..." she replied. I looked at my hand slightly shocked from not even noticing the small amount of blood.

"How about I take you to a friend's house to patch you up?" She asked kindly. I nodded, slightly nervous. As we walked I held my hand to the wound to try and slow the blood flow.

I didn't really pay attention to where we were going but when we walked into the house there were all eyes on me. All 6 pairs. I looked up with a blank face and waved nonchalantly. "I found him! But the two idiots that were with me shot him with a rock from a slingshot..." Kory said.

My friends gasped and I shrugged. "It wasn't a big deal, just a scratch" I shrugged. With that said, Kory took me to a bathroom and patched me up. It took a medium sized gauze on the side of my forehead but nothing too big.

I stayed for a bit and played with the kids but when it was time to head north, well, I had some explaining to do. And lots of sleep to enjoy...


Hey hey! How are my beautiful Snowflakes? Its been a while! So, this may be a 3 parter but im not sure...

Poor Jack got hit for apparent reason *sad face* but he's a- okay! I've been getting comments about the previous chapter Animal asking if Jack was part animal or evil but no.

I will, however, try to answer that theory soon in one of the parts though. I may not update a lot but I will eventually! Thats all for now!

Bye bye my bootiful Snowflakes!

*Jack Frost*

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