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*Bunny's P.O.V*

Once I arrived at Jamie's there were some groans and muttered "again?"s but I quickly shut it down. "Oi! The bloke's in danger. Giant sand beast- Jamie, I know you're studying to become a doctor, so please help him." I said quickly.

Jamie was in high school and was studying become a doctor so he was my best option in this situation. He nodded firmly and got to work. "So its not big enough for stitches, suture style bandages will work fine." He got to work and held gauz to Jack's wound to stop the bleeding faster.

I sighed heavily. "Bloody show pony.. if he loses more memories I'm gonna bloody kill'im." I muttered. The bloke hit his head hard. Again. There was a soft groan and Jack opened his eyes soowly.

*Jack's P.O.V.*

My head was killing me. What happened? "Jack?" I looked over to my side and say the kids and Bunny staring worriedly at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Didn't I just leave to go the the Pole?

"Mate?" I looked at Bunny. "Wha's goin on?" I slurred as I slowly sat up. "Whats the last thing you remember?" Pippa asked. I looked at my lap in thought. I was flying to the Pole.. but it just fades out..

"Flying to the pole and.. thats it.." I looked at Bunny. I know I'm missing something, I just hope he'll tell me. He sighed. "You came to the Pole, but we were hoping you wouldn't. A giant sand beast that Pitch created was there and we were hiding.." he paused looking slightly ashamed.

I sat straighter, listening intently. "We didn't know how to fight it- but when you came..." his voice faded out as I remembered what had happened. I was running so fast that when I collided with the tree I knocked myself out.

"Jack? Jack!" I jumped as I snapped back into reality. "Y-yeah." I looked up at Bunny who looked a tad worried. "S-sorry... I remembered what happened..." I looked down at my lap, pushing the panic down. Now wasn't the time to allow myself to freak out.

That thing.. "That thing was made out of the black sand that those rabid dogs were made out of.." I looked back up at Bunny, nervously fiddling with the hem of my hoodie. I noticed the kids had knowing looks but also nervous and angry expressions as well.

Bunny just nodded. "Thats Pitch's doing.. he's..." he paused, an air of caution surrounding him. Maybe it was because I was sitting on a completely iced over couch, but he continued.

"He's trying to kill you, Jack." He stated. I just stared, not at him exactly. My vision blurred out and my chest felt tight. I felt the air grow so uncomfortably thick atound me. It was suffocating.

W-why would someone I don't even know want to kill me? I-if he can make a b-beast like- like that THING- what the hell's going on-

"JACK!" I felt hands on my shoulders, pushing down slightly to ground me back to the present as Bunny's face cleared through my foggy vision. I noticed I was breathing sharp and extremely ragged breaths.

"Wh-" I was choking on my words. Bunny carefully wiped my face, but why? I touched my cheek and noticed that at some point I started crying. I gave a broken, half assed chuckle at how pathetic I was and before I could process it, I was wrapprd tightly in furry arms.

I was so confused. Why is this all happening? What have I done to this 'Pitch' guy? Why can't I remember my spirit life?? "Jack breathe, its okay." Bunny soothed. Something about him made me feel so grounded and safe.

I hugged him back, I needed him. "W-why?" Was all I could say. The rabbit rubbed my back and I noticed the kids had moved a considerable distance away and there was frost and ice almost over the entire living room.

"Because he's evil, Jack. And we won't let him hurt you, kit." Was all he said to me as he held me still. I was shaking a bit, likely from shock of these recent events. But I have a family that will protect me, so maybe I'll make it through this.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

It's been a while since I updated this book but here it is! Sorry for taking so long. I've had some huge changes happen recently and am currently attempting to beat depression's ass (not sure if its working but im tryin lol)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope to update soon! I love y'all!!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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