A Spark of Hope

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*North's P.O.V.*

I watched in pure amazement as Jack's raw power slipped out, effortlessly freezing the nightmares and Pitch. We all were seemingly frozen as well, but from shock.

I looked down at the small wheezing boy in my arms. He looked barely concious but seemed to be trying to say something. "No no no, don't speak, son. Just focus on breathing right now." I hushed him while pulling him into my arms and carrying him in a sitting bridal style.

I held him so that his head was leaning on my shoulder and his hands were in his lap. Bunny and Tooth rushed over, Tooth had tears rolling down her cheeks and Bunny looked worried and livid. Jack was trying to keep from passing out, but ultimately failed.

*No One's P.O.V.*

"What the bloddy hell happened?!" Bunny looked to North for an answer. He wasn't accusing North of anything, he just knew that the man had sent the signal so he'd know more than any of the others. "Will explain on the way." North replied coldly. He was beyond livid.

Some yetis drug Pitch's frozen form as they followed the Guardians. The majority of the other yetis made a big protective circle around them as they made their way back to the workshop. The rest of the yetis went back to prepare a room for Jack.

As they trecked back to the workshop, North told them his perspective of what happened, not wanting to go into full detail of the horrified cry for help Jack grabbed his attention with. "Wasn't he supposed to stay at Jamie's today? And he knows we wanted him to use the buddy system so-" Tooth began but stopped herself from rambling on.

"Lets find out. North, open a portal." Bunny commanded and North obeyed once Jack was safely tucked away in a room with nursing yetis tending to his wound. They all resided in the hallway with Jack's door closed as they tossed the portal globe.

Once it opened, Bunny hopped through to retrieve the teens. They were all stunned to see him go through a portal as he normally travelled through his tunnels, but instantly grew anxious at his angry demeanor. "Come with me." And with that, he went back through the portal to await their arrival.

The teens all jumped through it, looking like nervous children about to get a stern talking to by their parents. Jamie decided to make an inquiry. "Is this about Jack..?" He asked hesitantly which made Bunny and North raise a brow.

"What would give you that idea?" Bunny asked snarkily. "I-" Jamie sighed. "Look, I get that he wanted to know and probably needed to, but I just couldn't tell him-" North put his hand up to stop him.

"What?" He asked. Jamie explained what had happened and the Guardians seemed to relax but only a fraction. "Wait- thats not what's going on?" Pippa asked, noticing how the Guardians didn't even know what happened but brought the teens to the Pole to talk about Jack.

"Jack's been hurt." Tooth blurted out, causing the teens to gasp and frantically ask if he was okay. "Oi!" Bunny shouted to silence them. "He was alone and scared and Pitch found him. He-" stopped himself but took a breath and continued a bit more 'calmly'.

"He just about died out there." He paused, his ears drooping in harsh realization. "If North hadn't-" but North put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "What happened is done. Let us not worry about what could have happened, and be thankful we got there in time." He spoke affirmatively.

The kids looked on the verge of tears at this, but before anyone could utter another word a yeti, Phil, cracked the door open. "Rhagg." He spoke to North as the man nodded, allowing Phil to pull him to the side in the hallway after closing the door.

Phil spoke to North as he only nodded and held his chin while listening. "But he will be okay?" The man asked and recieved a small nod from Phil. Yes, Phil and Jack always seemed to be at odds, but Phil really cared for Jack and vice versa.

"Thank you my friend." And with that North returned to the group with a small sigh. "Well?" Bunny asked expectantly. "He will make recovery." North seemed to hesitate before continuing. "But his throat is badly damaged. Boy won't be able to speak for while." He trailed off.

The news both relieved and saddened the group. "Can we see him..?" Jamie asked and North nodded. "He is resting. Phil gave him mask to ease pain and give oxygen." He opened the door to let them in.

The room was dimly lit with an orb lamp in the far corner of the room on a dresser giving off a soft yellow glow. Jack's bed lay in the center of the room with the headboard up against the wall. He lay all bundled up in cooling blankets made specifically for him, an oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth.

With almost every breath he seemed to wheeze or whimper, but very little. "I'm sorry Jack." Jamie rested his hand on Jack's exposed one. Tears pricked at the boy's eyes at the sight of Jack's bandaged up throat. The boy gently squeezed his best friend's hand, feeling guilty that this happened to him.

The limp hand seemed to squeeze back weakly, making Jamie look at his friend. Tired blue eyes met wide chocolate ones. "Jack!" Came excited shouts upon seeing his eyes open. But Jamie nor Jack paid any mind.

"Y-you-" Jack's voice was torn and shredded, almost sounding something like scraping metal. "Y-you look just l-like her-" he coughed harshly as Jamie shook his head, trying to stop the tears that fell down his face. "You shouldn't talk." He knew what those words Jack had said meant. He knew he was referring to his little sister.

Jack only smiled softly and sadly up at Jamie. "M- sorry-" Jack tried but Jamie shushed him again. "Don't- you have nothing to apologize for okay? I should have just told you, I'm sorry! " Jamie pleaded with his friend as Jack shook his head slightly. At this point the two had been given some room, as the other occupants stood back.

"B-but I do have s-something to tell you. I was going to tell you but you lost your memory," Jamie paused and Jack's brows furrowed. "I-in school we did research on our ancestry! And as I dug into my family tree I-" the boy sniffed. Jack stared into his eyes, wondering what Jamie was going on about.

"My great, great, great, great grandmother w-was Emmeline Overland-Bennett." Jamie smiled brightly at Jack who's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. "Your sister." Jamie finished.

He'd kept that a secret until now and his friends shouted out in surprise. Jack couldn't speak but his eyes said it all. She lived? His eyes asked Jamie. "She lived Jack! She did!" And before he knew it, Jack had sat up so quickly, tore off the oxygen mask and took Jamie into his arms so tightly Jamie thought he was going to pop.

Hoarse sobs escaped Jack's lips as he sobbed in happiness. He'd saved her. And Jamie was his family. Jamie was startled at first though hugged back gently, but tightly, he loved Jack. Sometimes Jamie felt that there was part of him that loved Jack like a brother, like Emma had.

Jack pulled away slightly and looked at Jamie, a question written on his face, but Jamie knew. "You.. didn't make it. You passed away while saving her, and thats how you became Jack Frost." Jamie explained with a melancholy tone.

Jack's expression fell but he quickly recovered by giving Jamie a soft smile as if to say "but at least she lived." He'd at least got some form of closure for what happened to his sister, though his heart ached that he couldn't see her again.

But Jamie was here, and so was the feeling that Emma wasn't truely gone.

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