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Jack slept for quite a while, almost the entire day. He would have slept longer if his internal schedule for the weather didn't bother him. It was time to spread some winter in a few places, and Burgess was one of them.

Jack woke with a silent groan. His head still ached and his body felt sluggish and a tad sore. He shivered slightly, which made him confused. He wasn't cold exactly, but his body felt weird.

He didn't question how his powers were telling him where to bring snow and how much he needed to spread, but he got up anyway. Upon picking up his staff, something on the nearby chair caught his eye.

The scarf Bunny had mentioned. Jack picked it up carefully inspecting it's texture between his fingers and palms. He smiled softly at it, he could tell it wasn't just randomly picked up like Bunny had made it seem, but it was picked out with someone particular in mind.

Jack wouldn't say anything about that to the Pooka just yet, but knowing that Bunny was thinking of him when acquiring such an item was heartwarming. As Jack's mind lingered on the thought of Bunny actually being kind and caring, opposed to his tough guy act he tried to maintain very often, the boy's head pounded a bit harder and his vision blurred.

The Guardians were in the sleigh and Jack was sitting on the back seat, smiling widely as the wind whipped around him. Bunny breathed heavilly and released anxious grunts and mumbles.

This caused Jack to smirk mischievously. "Hey Bunny! Check out this vi- WOAH-!!" he shouted while falling out of the sleigh. Bunny's eyes widened in horror as he shouted for North, pulling himself over the edge of the vehicle to look for his fallen friend.

As Bunny was about to make another shout to stop the sleigh, he spotted Jack resting nonchalantly on the leg of the sleigh, smirking devilishly. "Aw, you do care~" he sang at the clearly frightened Pooka. Bunny glared down at the spirit, "Oh rack off you bloody show pony!" And he sat back down in his respective seat.

As the memory faded out and Jack came back into the present he sat down for a moment. "You alright?" Came a familiar Australian accented voice from the doorway, making Jack jump slightly and whip around.

Bunny held his hands up in apology for starting the boy, but closed the door and hopped over to him. Jack sighed and nodded, letting himself relax a bit. "I came to check on you right when you put the scarf on," Bunny paused, taking note of the boy's knitted eyebrows and tired expression.

"I knocked but you just stood there, so I figured you were in a memory?" Bunny asked rather than stated, earning a nod of confirmation from Jack. "I brought some Tylenol to help with the headache." At this, Jack looked at him confused.

He had no idea who or what a Tylenol was but looked at the little pill bottle Bunny had set on the nightstand next to a glass of water. "Its modern pain medicine. Take 2 for now, they should help." He instructed, opening the bottle and putting 2 tablets in Jack's palm.

Once the medicine was swallowed Jack sighed. He had to go deliver winter. He looked at Bunny, not sure how to really convey that he had to go. "Something wrong?" The Pooka asked.

Jack pointed at himself, then to his staff and then to one of the snowflakes on his scarf, adding a thank you smile as well for the gift. Bunny didn't answer right away. He understood what Jack was saying, but Jack needed to take it easy.

He could tell the boy was still tired, too. "Mate," Bunny knew Jack's job was very important but he still didn't want him up and about. He was being a bit protective of the boy. Jack's brows furrowed as he gazed up at Bunny.

The elder sighed. "I understand your job is important and you need to go, but," he paused again. "So, when you fell asleep and I went to tell North what happened, he and I realized the circumstances of you falling ill were a bit odd. So we took you to see Tooth." At this Jack's brows furrowed even more.

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