Family Reunited

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It had been a few days since Jack's second confrontation with Pitch and he's been quiet. He obviously can't speak but he has Dalliah to help with that, but he hasn't been communicating through her, so therefore he's been quiet.

Everyone was beginning to worry about him, as he was usually talkative but North had sat everyone down and told them of a plan he'd made. "Jack may be hiding it well, but he's hurting. We need to be there for him, try to play games with him. He likes games. And tell him stories!" North was hopeful this would work.

Although he was hopeful, he couldn't ignore the raging storms all throughout the entire North Pole, except for around the workshop. It was as if Jack had unintentionally made a protective barrier around the workshop where there was no storm.

"What if we just annoy him that way?" Pippa asked, in truth she had tried to talk to Jack the other day. She sat with him and told him a funny story about a game the group of kids got a teacher to play, but Jack completely avoided looking at her. He showed absolutely no interest in it and just stared out the window as she spoke.

"Well.." North hesitated. "Then we keep trying?" He questioned more than stated, completely unaware that the winter spirit in question was right behind him. Bunny jumped as Jack tapped his staff on the ground to announce his presence.

"J-Jack! How long were you standing there?!" Tooth asked nervously at his annoyed expression. He gave her a look that said he heard it all. North looked extremely guilty. Jack seemed to sigh as Dalliah approached from behind. His expression was less cold and annoyed, and looked sincerely apologetic as he looked at Pippa first.

He made motions and hand gestures as Dalliah relayed his first message in days to North. Everyone was so happy that he was communicating with them again. "He says, 'I am so sorry for my behavior when you had told me such a good story the other day. I enjoyed it very much, and I'm sorry I was a jerk. '"

North translated as Jack looked at Pippa with remorse for being rude and mean to his friend. She smiled softly at him, "Its okay, I just wanted to help in some way." They nodded at eachother but Jack still felt a pang of guilt.

Jack pushed his guilt for what he did to Pippa aside and looked at all of his friends and new family, then to Dalliah who smiled sweetly and nodded as if to say "go on." Jack sucked in a breath.

Through Dalliah and North he relayed his message. "I'm so sorry for how cold I have acted towards all of you. You all seem to know quite a few things about me, but I still don't remember alot of things. But, just before coming to you all, I had a really strong memory." The message and Jack seemed to pause.

He seemed to be trying to keep his emotions in check. "It was all of us, gathered together. Like a big family. You are all my family." He paused as his shoulders shook and he bowed his head to rub his eyes with his sleeve. "And I don't want to lose any of you guys too. I'm just scared." He let out a small sob, desperately wiping at his tears now.

Dalliah, and North continued. "North said to not be scared because it fuels that- ' a-hole,' so I thought that distancing myself and closing myself off would help. I'm so sorry.'" North finished translating and hugged Jack close, who needed it oh so badly.

"We understand that you're hurting and we are not upset with you at all." He spoke softly while rubbing his boy's back. He knew Jack had felt like he was all alone sometimes, but now he understood more.

"We knew you were upset. You've been through alot lately, so we didn't take anything to heart. We just wanted to help you feel better." Jamie spoke, coming over and resting a hand on Jack's shoulder, unknowingly triggering something.

As Jack had looked at Jamie, when he touched him, he saw his sister in Jamie's place. It was only for a second but she looked so real. As Jack had seen his sister, Jamie saw something similar. For only a second, he saw Jack as a human. It was as if Jamie got to see Jack back in his own time, in his colonial clothing and all.

The two stared at eachother with wide eyes as Jamie took his hand off of Jack. Jack's tears had momentarily stopped, a few were still rolling down his cheeks but he looked confused, and so did Jamie. "I.." Jamie had started, but upon realising he didn't know what to say to what had just happened, he simply trailed off.

Jack had almost called out his sister's name but for obvious and other reasons, he couldn't. Jack's head was throbbing from the memory's intensity and from crying, but he ignored it. From Jack's perspective, Jamie looked just as confused as Jack was, so that meant Jack wasn't the only one to see something.

Jack reached his hand out to grab Jamie's hand but stopped when the boy spoke. "Jack.. I'm scared.." he seemed to be repeating it but the words carried so much meaning with them. Jack's eyes widened even more. "Don't be scared.. we're gonna have a little fun instead.. we're gonna play hopscotch, like we play everyday-" Jamie was repeating what Jack had said to his sister that fateful day. Though, Jack interrupted Jamie, suddenly.

"S-stop." He spoke, surprising everyone. His voice was do coarse and rough, almost a whisper. Jamie's eyes widened as he realized what he was saying and that it was powerful enough to make Jack speak. The spirit was shaking his head, willing himself not to cry again. How could he know that?

Jack had never told anyone of what was said that day, only that he saved his sister and died in the process, even though he didn't remember. So how did Jamie know? The teen in question was also on the brink of tears, he didn't know where any of that came from, but he had a familiar feeling that he couldn't explain.

"Y-.." Jamie felt the urge to say more, so he did. "You always play tricks." He stated, making the damn behind Jack's eyes break. "But you didn't trick me that day." Jamie's eyes widened as he unwillingly spoke again. Jack looked absolutely mortified and confused.

"Jamie what are ypu talking about?! You sound insane, and you're upsetting Jack! Stop talking nonsense!" Montey was freaked out, as was everyone else. Nobody had a clue what was going on.

Jack got out of North's grip and stood infront of Jamie hesitantly. His throat burned so badly that he dared not speak again even though he desperately wanted to. Tears flowed silently down Jack's face but he looked at the teen questioningly.

"I-I don't-" Jamie wasn't sure what was going on but the look of brotherly love on Jack's face seemed to calm his nerves a bit. "I-I don't know where any of t-that came from-" he sucked in a breath.

"But.. I think.." he replied and Jack smiled so softly and lovingly at Jamie as he hugged the teen closely, burrying his face in Jamie's shoulder. Jamie, although still a little confused, was delighted to see Jack smile like that and hugged back just as tight.

"Jamie is- ' Wait what?!" North screeched while looking at Dalliah who urged him to continue with a nod. "Jamie is my sister reincarnated. That's how he knew what was said right before I died." North's shock prevented him from commenting further.


Hey Snowflakes,

Hope you enjoyed, so uhm.. yeah.

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