Going Away

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The next day had come and Jack hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. He didn't want to leave North. He was very nervous. He'd been told about the mini fairies at the Tooth Palace and how he was best friends with one named Baby Tooth.

Tooth had forbidden her from seeing Jack to save the fairy more pain than the news of his memory loss had caused. Of course, Baby Tooth obeyed and she understood. She knew the risks of bringing back memories for the spirit and didn't want to overwhelm him either, but their meeting was inevitable now.

Jack paced around the globe room anxiously as he waited for the others. Jamie sat at a table near the controls, watching Jack from the corner of his eye. "Good morning boys," North entered the room with Bunny as Sandy floated in from a window.

The large man was feigning his usual jolliness, which sold to everyone but Jack. He could tell North wasn't truely jolly right now. Jack was a bit of a mess, to be frank.

His hair was messier than usual, the bandages around his neck were loose, revealing his still visible bruise, and he looked like he may start yelling or crying at any moment.

The boy looked up at North, silently telling the man he didn't want to leave, but North averted his gaze for a moment. "I know, you don't want to leave-" Jack cut North off, his voice deep and laced with anger.

"Then don't. Don't make me go." He spoke quickly. No one was expecting that tone from him. North's expression changed to pleadung and sorrowful. "You are unwell, my boy. You must go, whether I want you to or not." North rested a hand on the boy's shoulder, finding it several degrees colder than usual, meaning Jack was more than upset.

"I'm fine." Jack ground out, this time Bunny spoke up. "Mate, you were almost completely tapped out yesterday. Jamie told us what happened before North got there." Bunny spoke with a gentle, yet stern tone.

"You need help." He finished, Jack glared at him suddenly. "How's going to some unfamiliar place going to help me? What if nothing happens there? I may not get better! Who knows, maybe I'll-" Jack was cut short by Jamie.

"Please, Jack!" The spirit turned to look at the now standing boy. Jamie's eyes were watery and pleading. He knew Jack was only lashing out because he was scared and upset, but still. "Please go." The teen's voice cracked, making Jack's heart ache.

"I know you're just frightened. You don't remember the Tooth Palace, so going there and being without North scares you- but please go." He'd walked up to Jack whose expression started to show his true emotions.

Jamie was right, and Jack hated that he was spot on. "Aw, Sweet Tooth," Tooth's voice came as she entered through the window with a saddened look. Jack refused to make eye contact with her, or anyone now.

She smiled softly, "You'll be able to call and see everyone once in a while, so don't get yourself so worked up!" Jack hesitantly looked up at her. "And they can come visit sometimes too!" Jack's expression grew hopeful as he looked over at North.

"I promise to visit every chance I can." North smiled at his boy and Jack seemed to ease up a little. "But, Baby Tooth-" Jack was so nervous to meet her, he wondered what she looked like, he'd been given hints but he still wasn't sure what she'd look like in person.

"Baby Tooth is fully aware of everything, hun. She knows about your situation and she knows to be careful." Tooth explained. Baby Tooth had cried her eyes out for weeks after finding out about Jack's amnesia.

She'd tried to sneak out but Tooth had made sure she was supervised at all times. "We have a bag packed for you." Bunny mentioned as Sandy set it down in front of the boy.

It was just a few sets of brand new pajamas and an extra set of clothes just in case. Jack stared at it, the realization that he was in fact leaving was starting to hit him. Even with the knowledge that he'd be able to contact them and visit, he still didn't want to go.

The spirit was tired, he'd been pacing the entire night, his powers raging outside also used up a bit of energy. His shoulders trembled as he looked at the bag of spare clothes. Did they just want him out of their hair?

Jack's eyes betrayed him by letting a few tears fall and he sniffled. "Jack- aw sweetie don't cry!" Tooth hugged him and North was immediately by his side. He hated being vulnerable in front of them, why was this so hard for him.

"Jack, don't worry! I'll come to the palace with you so you can get settled!" Jamie told, hoping it would make him feel better, which it did. The winter soirit turned to look at his friend with wattery eyes as he wiped his cheeks.

Jamie offered a soft smile and Jack nodded, "Okay." He whispered. Hopefully, by Jamie going with them things would go much smoother for all of them, so no one objected.

Dalliah and Phil had joined their gathering a few moments ago to say their farewells. "Rwahg," Dalliah opened her arms as to ask for a hug and Jack smiled sweetly, going and hugging her tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," he looked up at the two, Phil smiled and pat the boy's head fondly. "Thanks for everything you've done for me Dalliah, I'm really grateful," Jack smiled, but paused, looking at the female yeti for a moment. He could sense something different about her.

He pulled away slightly and looked up at her questioningly, then at Phil. "Since when were you two..." he trailed off, the yeti's looking at eachother shyly and then Dalliah gave Jack a certain look like a mother silently telling her child to stay quiet. Jack's eyes widened immensely as he realized what was going on with the female.

"Jack?" Tooth asked curiously. Jack spun around, "Coming!" He quickly made his way back over as he recieved some odd looks for his behavior, but he was now holding a secret for Dalliah so he had to play it cool.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and focused on the situation at hand. "Sorry, I'm just gonna miss Dalliah's jokes." He told the others, he wasn't necessarily lying though, she did have some funny jokes.

They each hugged their dear winter spirit, expressing their well wishes and goodbyes, and as North was about to open a portal, Bunny stopped him. "The tunnels." Bunny stated making North chuckle.

Jack gave the Pooka a thankful look and a smile at North who returned it as Bunny opened a tunnel. Tooth and Jamie waved goodbye and jumped into it, Jack was the last one left.

He looked back at the others who waved fondly, but his eyes lingered on North. Jack dropped his bag and ran to the elder, hugging him tightly. "If anything happens-" North cut Jack's sentence short.

"I'll be there." Jack let out a shaky breath and let go. "I'll see you soon." North waved him off as the boy approached the tunnel. North never said an actual goodbye to Jack, it was always a saying like "until next time."

Jack Jumped though the tunnel with his bag, sliding down it and quickly catching up to Jamie and Tooth.


Hello Snowflakes,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What's up with Dalliah? What does Jack know? We'll find out soon enough!

*Jack Frost*

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